Sunday, July 30, 2023

UFOs in Pentagon, CIA, White House (TJDS)

UFO hearing LIVE: UAPs are "in our airspace' witnesses testify for Congress and AOC
(WION) Started streaming on July 26, 2023. #WIONLIVE #US Former U.S. Navy pilot Ryan Graves, retired U.S. Navy commander David Fravor, and former intelligence officer and big name "whistleblower" David Grusch testify at a hearing on extraterrestrials and UFOs in U.S. government possession. The government has known, has ET bodies (or "biologics"), has advanced technology, and has been lying about it for decades.
So space aliens (ETs) exist?

UFO whistleblower says US has recovered nonhuman "biologics" from crash sites
(CBS News) Former military intelligence officer-turned-whistleblower David Grusch told U.S. House lawmakers Wednesday (July 26, 2023) that he had interviewed government officials who had direct knowledge of aircraft with "nonhuman" origins and that so-called "biologics" (extraterrestrial bodies) were recovered from some craft.

Grusch, who served for 14 years as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Air Force and National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, appeared before the House Oversight Committee's national security subcommittee alongside two former fighter pilots who had firsthand experience with UFOs (unidentified aerial phenomena). #congress #news
Jimmy Dore is wrong about UFOs, but he's right that government agencies are lying about ETs and spaceships, having been hiding the truth for decades. They really exist. They really are here and have come many times over many civilizations. The government is still lying about it, deceiving us to incite fear and maintain control. Want the truth? See Dr. Steven Greer? Want more BS, see Grusch.

Escape to Reality
A lot depends on the answers to some questions. They will make all the difference between a common home and a common cemetery.

We cannot help feeling that scientists, with their technical advances, have thrust this problem on humanity too soon.

The big decisions are not in the hands of the most mature humans, as they should be. Great, or what Dr. Albert Schweitzer calls a “superhuman level” of wisdom is not manifest in the public utterances of politicians.

At times the thinking person is aghast at the childish things leaders say.

Some of them still seem to think in terms of cavalry charges, the Pentagon as a fortress, and waving patriotic banners when they speak of war. They still talk about war as a way of “making the world safe” for this, that, or the other ideology.

They seem to forget that if there is another war, on a big scale, such survivors as are left will not have time to bother with ideologies. It will be a big, dead, poisoned world, and humans will have more pressing things to think about.

“All [ordinary, uninstructed] worldlings are mad,” said the Buddha, and we may well accept this as the simple truth. If we ever doubt it, we need only open a newspaper or switch on the radio.

In whatever country the newspaper is printed, from whatever country the broadcast comes, the proof is as convincing. Nice bold type, nice clear voices, telling us in unmistakable terms that we human beings are doing everything except think.

But now we must think. It is easy to turn away from this problem, of the survival of humanity, and seek refuge in some mental or physical drug. But this is no solution. We must face the facts.

Humanity must grow up or perish. It must grow up fast or perish quickly. There is not much time. We must scrap all ideologies that call for the liquidation of those who do not agree with us.

We must abandon the sort of nationalism that regards with distrust and hatred the people of other nations. We must think of ourselves henceforth as human beings, sharing one world. We must begin now or it will be too late.

How can we attain this maturity of mind? The Buddha taught the way, more than 2,600 years ago. He spoke to individuals, to thinking individuals, but his message holds good for all humanity.

He said, “All things are subject to change. Do not grasp. Let go and be free.”

There has never been a war but arose from greed for land, greed for trade, greed for power, greed for all the transient phenomena of life, leading inevitably to strife.

Let go, and strife ceases. Think of the other fellow as a human being, with nothing to gain except our common weal, and strife ceases. Help that person, and we help ourselves.

It does not matter what language one speaks, what political opinions one holds. We share the same planet, breathe the same air, need the same food. We cannot destroy that person and survive. Our fate is linked with that person's fate.

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