Sunday, July 30, 2023

Yes, scientists LIED about Covid (TJDS)

Anti-Vietnam War Thich Nhat Hanh was engaged
It ain't easy being an Engaged Buddhist. Wouldn't it be better to disengage, withdraw, and meditate? Then meditate some more. One is bound to make a breakthrough. But this is the unreal world, so most of us like it better than the real one of ultimate reality (jhana, samadhi, insight, and nirvana). Therefore, let's carry on. Jimmy, what's been going on in the world this week? (Jimmy Dore is one of the only consistently trustworthy voices in the media to find out what's really going on. The mainstream media has an agenda, and that is to deceive, distract, and destroy any semblance of reality, which is a popular thing to do. But we crave truth, we crave honesty and what's real, even if it stinks and sucks, as it does most weeks). What, they're lying about a new pandemic threat, politics, war, climate alarmism, and everything else that matters to us? Yawn. That's what they frequently do. They only want us to live in fear. But we say no to fear.

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