Sunday, September 17, 2023

Jesus Christ's True Teachings Found in Lost Texts (Billy Carson)

Billy Carson, Next Level Soul Podcast, 9/9/23; Pat Mac, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
THEY KNEW: Jesus Christ's TRUE Teachings Found in Lost Texts: Not What You Think
Was Jesus in Egypt, Africa?
(Next Level Soul Podcast) Billy Carson is a beacon in space exploration, ancient history, and the study of consciousness.

An acclaimed author, researcher, and speaker, Carson seamlessly weaves science, spirituality, and bygone histories to reveal stories humanity has forgotten.

  • 00:00 - Episode teaser
  • 04:14 - Catholic religion on Jesus' teachings
  • 08:50 - The Vatican Archives
  • 13:42 - The Council of Nicaea and the Colosseum
  • 21:02 - The depiction of Jesus by the Vatican
  • 30:56 - The Indian [Vedic, Brahmin, Hindu] temples
  • 41:33 - How are temples in India connected to others?
  • 43:27 - The Egyptian obelisk
  • 51:04 - What is the labyrinth in Egypt?
  • 55:32 - What materials used to build complex in Egypt?
  • 59:37 - The healing properties of the temples of Egypt
  • 1:03:17 - Is Shakespeare connected to Pyramids of Giza?
  • 1:04:50 - Is DaVinci connected with ancient Egypt?
  • 1:06:58 - Billy Carson's work
  • 1:07:44 - Final message
Is Jesus Christ an Egyptian Myth? - Stellar House Publishing
Compendium Emerald Tablets
The history of the Emerald Tablets is strange and beyond belief for modern scientists. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years B.C. The author is Thoth, an Atlantean priest-king who founded a colony in ancient Egypt and wrote the Emerald Tablets in his native Atlantean language, which was translated by many famous scholars. This Compendium of the Emerald Tablets gives unique insight and understanding of the contents. American Billy Carson breaks down each tablet, decoding the esoteric messages, metaphysics, technology, and quantum mechanics for readers. Because of the tablet's reference to Egypt and sacred geometry, they became a priority reference for those studying the Flower of Life and Merkabah meditation. Foreword by Jimmy Church with 5-star reviews by Erich Von Daniken, Dr. Tara Swart, G-Man Noory, Jason Martell, and more.
Gaining widespread recognition for his deep dives into ancient civilizations, he has made significant strides in unveiling the secrets of their advanced technologies and profound wisdom.

His collection of well-researched books stands as a testament to his commitment to enticing readers into worlds of mystery and revelation.

When Carson takes the stage, the world listens. From ancient artifacts and massive megalithic structures to the uncharted territories of the cosmos, he presents a fresh perspective, challenging accepted norms and stirring insatiable curiosity.
But there's more than meets the eye. Beyond scholarly endeavors, Carson's heart beats for mindfulness and the elevation of the human spirit.

Leveraging various platforms and initiatives, he passionately drives individuals to journey inward, unraveling our hidden strengths and limitless potential.

Immerse in Billy Carson's world, where the marvels of yesteryear meet the promise of tomorrow. With his unmatched blend of academic detail and soulful wisdom, he is a torchbearer for the curious, seekers, and those who dare to think beyond. 🚀

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This man begs to differ with some of Billy Carson's claims

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