Sunday, September 3, 2023

Musick: Olivia tops Taylor, Irish Allie, Flo&Ed

TEAM S (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Olivia Rodrigo Anti-Swiftie; Scandalous Media; Chris Carter ("Breakfast with the Beatles, KLOS, 9/3/23, Flo & Eddie, "Keep It Warm,"

Style: 11 O-Rod outfits (Who What Wear UK)
Ha ha, schadenfreude ("delight in other's downfall") strikes again! Taylor Swift was toppled this morning from the Number 1 spot on America's Top 40 (on 
KIIS-FM) with fay Ryan Seacrest.

Nazi Barbie has been on top thanks mostly to the hoopla with the Eras[e your mind] Tour, the new movie about it [to hypnotize everyone who couldn't afford tickets to be put under live].
New beauty queen with No. 1 hit!
But her hit song has been shoved aside, like "Karma" was, by young Latinx superstar Olivia Rodrigo.

Meanwhile, Queen B (Beyonce) is doing her level best to top Taylor's tour take in with an even bigger and more profitable tour. QB just finished a run in LA this weekend with less mesmerism but more talent on display. The schadenfreude about it all is that O-Rod beat Tay-Tay with a song about Taylor Swift, who's a: "bloodsucker, fame f*cker, bleeding [Olivia] dry like a goddamn vampire."
When did you first realize you were going EVIL, Taylor? - It's not easy to stay on top, WQ.
Did O-Rod write "Vampire" about T-Swift? (Uh, duh)
(Scandalous Media) July 20, 2023: After a huge fallout following the royalties' drama...Olivia Rodrigo seems to take a dig at her former heroine and pop idol, Taylor Swift, in her new song "VAMPIRE"! #taylorswift #oliviarodrigo #vampire [It's Britney Spears v. Christina Aguilera all over again! Oh you, Hollywood music business, always being all business!]

A Buddhist prayer for Taylor Swift
Beauty AND talent? Even Ed Sheeran couldn't manage that! T-Swift is more looks than songs
Oli adds Taylor as writer on 'Deja Vu' (People)
Hey, schadenfreude's bad karma, like, essentially the opposite of sending someone metta (loving-kindness). So let us pray for Taylor Swift:

"May Taylor be well.
May Taylor be happy.
May Taylor be free.
May she look after herself with joy and ease.
May no harm come to her.
May no problems come to her.
May she have a good, happy, and prosperous present."

The Buddha was right. We feel better already. Olivia is smart. She won't let Nazi Barbie The Devil Ms. Tay-Tay Swift get her down. Oli's bloodied but unbowed.

The inspiring story of Irish busker Allie Sherlock

(DW Euromaxx) Aug. 26, 2023: DUBLIN Ambitious, talented, and a rising star at just 18, Irish Allie Sherlock is one of Ireland’s most successful street musicians. Her renditions of songs by the likes of Ed Sheeran, Amy Winehouse, or Adele have not only given goosebumps to passersby, but have also captivated millions of fans on YouTube. DW visits Allie on Dublin's Grafton Street and follow her home to Cork County, Ireland, where she also works on original songs and talks about the tragic circumstances that music has helped her through, like the time she came to Hollywood, Los Angeles to be on ['orrible] Ellen's TV show.

LYRICS: "Keep It Warm" (Flo & Eddie)

Write another song for the money
Something they can sing, not so funny
Money in the bank to keep us warm

Stick another grape in [her] juicer
Or fill your guts with grease and get looser
You are what you eat, so eat it warm

Roll another joint for the Gipper
Get the Gipper high, he gets hipper
Stick it in his mouth and keep him warm

Elect another jerk to the White House
Gracie Slick is losing her Dormouse
Take her off the streets and keep her warm

Fight another war if they make you
Squeal on a friend or they'll take you
The future's in your lap, so keep it warm...

Warm, here in your arms, safe from all harm,
Where I belong, warm, cozy and calm,
Another dawn together warm...

My woodie's broken down by the beach now
And TM's gotten far out of reach now
Tell the Mahareesh to keep it warm

George is suing Paul, suing Ringo
All they need is love, to keep them warm

Kill another whale with your power
Or shoot a bunch of kids from a tower
Snipe them in their cars, blood keeps them warm

Make a better world from the old one
Make yourself a baby and hold one
Hold her in your arms and keep her warm

Keep her warm,
Keep her warm,
Keep her warm... [because blood is better warm]

Olivia Rodrigo’s hit song making methodology, explained (

Neil DeGrasse Tyson says we're stupid

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