Saturday, September 30, 2023

October 1st: World Vegetarian Day 2023

World Vegetarian Day 2023: Interesting recipes to try on this occasion
Every year, on October 1st, World Vegetarian Day is celebrated, an occasion dedicated to raising awareness about the advantages of not killing animals and degrading the environment, raising our animal friends for slaughter, rape (artificial insemination), kidnapping (forced separation of young from their mothers), torture, cutting, and consumption.

Free Veggie Starter Kit (
Vegetarianism has a significant role in reducing our environmental impact. on land, water, and food supplies (given that it takes a mountain of plants to make mole hills of flesh).

Vegetarianism has experienced a surge in popularity in America in recent years, supported by research confirming the environmental and health benefits of plant-based diets. If one were to do just one thing to save the planet, it would be to go vegan.

It helps my yoga and meditation practice.
[(If that's too much, going vegetarian one day a week would be a very good start). It used to be that all Catholics, as many as 3 billion people in the world, were enjoined to not eat meat on Fridays...during Lent...if observing it. The religion grew by asking less and less of adherents. Now all one has to do is at least splash the forehead with holy water every Easter Sunday, and that should be enough to get into heaven. Or sin on the weekend, but for God's sakes confess before sinning again the next weekend. That's what Sundays are for.]

Wisdom Quarterly: American Buddhist Journal: Vegans vs. Farmers: hardcore debate (video)
Tibetans in frozen altitudes of the Himalayas, thought of as obligate carnivores, go vegetarian
At least Buddhist Lisa S. cares about animals
Numerous studies have provided evidence that adopting a vegan (no animals byproducts) or vegetarian (no flesh but dairy and other non-killed items) diet can lower the risk of heart disease and specific forms of cancer, as well as reduce the likelihood of obesity and the onset of Type 2 diabetes.

Thai vegetarians get carried away: self-mutilation
In this regard, Chef Binod Kumar from Four Points by Sheraton (Navi Mumbai, Vashi) said:

"Vegetarian Day is not just about savoring delicious leafy greens and healthy dishes; it is a global call to awareness and action.

L7: Chinese veggie symbol in Thailand Chinese
"As a chef, I celebrate the multiple benefits of being vegetarian and stand in solidarity with vegetarians worldwide. Choosing plant-based meals not only nurtures our well-being but also nurtures our planet. It is a simple yet powerful choice that reduces greenhouse gases and fosters a healthier world for generations to come." More

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