Monday, October 2, 2023

Is the REAL Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia?

David Guzik, premiered May 29, 2023; Sheldon S., CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Judaism took flood story from old Sumerian texts with Epic of Gilgamesh
So we're agreed? Our Sumerian Semitic scriptures say so, it's Jabal Maqla? - It's clear.

Is Jabal Maqla, Arabia, the REAL Mt. Sinai?
(David GuzikSAUDI ARABIA This is the story of four Christian pastor friends from Southern California who went to Saudi Arabia to investigate the plausibility of the alternative site for Mount Sinai, a mountain called Jabal Maqla that fits the biblical account of its location.

This video considers the traditional view of the location of Mount Sinai in what is today called the Sinai Peninsula (not its original name) in Egypt, North Africa, with the alternative suggestion of an Arabian site for the "Mountain of God" (Herob). #scripture #Christian #faith

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