Friday, October 27, 2023

Blood Cult: weird Christian rituals (video)

Seth Andrews, The Thinking Atheist; CC Liu, Sheldon S., Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Why is my son's penis bleeding?! - The rabbi was playing with him in the tub. - WHAT?!?!

Holy Land Halloween: Guns to handle nonbelievers, IDF vests, Easter Bunny Eostre suits
Blood Cult: The Weird, Wild World of Judeo-Christian Rituals
Jewish forced genital mutilation
(TheThinkingAtheist) Seth Andrews takes a fresh look at the world's most popular religion (the Catholic sect of Christianity, a breakaway Jewish cult from Rome), revealing how culty (and often creepy) Christian traditions and rituals truly are.

What'cha gonna be for Halloween? - Let's be Christians

Moses: murder, rape (Numbers 31:17)
Hollywood has banned us from being Barbie and Oppenheimer due to the strike. Most of the writers are volunteering to go fight in Israel...oh, they're not? Thought they would, with so much fear and xenophobia about anyone but them occupying the Holy Land of the Philistines, Palestinians, and Jews. Maybe we could go to the party as Swift and that guy from Project Paperclip (Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America) who invented cruise missile rockets for use in space and to make wars more destructive.

Jews and Christians approved to rape foreigners (Numbers 31:17) and locals (Deut. 22:28-29).

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