Friday, October 27, 2023

Riley Gaines for women in sports

I am a woman! I just forgot to shave today.
This date, 10/10, is symbolized by the Roman numerals “XX” – signifying what it means to be a woman, something innate in the DNA of those born female: the science that defines a real woman.
Please help the Riley Gaines Center at the Leadership Institute recognize this day to honor the achievements of real women and recognize the intrinsic value that only they can provide to families as mothers, wives, daughters, and sisters.

Honor women with a signature today. Their privacy is being eroded. Women and girls’ most vulnerable spaces – shelters, locker rooms, and restrooms – are no longer safe.

At what point is it clearly a conspiracy?
Women’s hard-earned achievements are being stolen by [trans] men. Their very identity is under attack. Real Women’s Day should be recognized, not only to celebrate womanhood, but to serve as a crucial reminder to keep women’s spaces available only to real women.

Real Women’s Day celebrates the unique and special role that women play in society. By signing this petition, stand bravely with Riley Gaines in recognizing October 10th as Real Women’s Day.
The judges rule in our favor.
[COMMENTARY: Sorry to all of our transgender, transsexual, trans-curious, and LGBTQIA+ friends. Be as gay, asexual, or freaky as is enjoyable, but maybe the sports world should stay segregated by DNA marker at birth as it has been for a long time, not because those who say they are women aren't women but because sports were segregated in the first place because of a natural division that made it unfair to pit the sexes against each other, as it would be in an average height contest or biggest biceps competition. Ability is a bell-shaped curve, and the sexes overlap their curves, where men have a decided advantage based on size, not because all men are more competitive than all women but because as a general trend, they are different enough to make pitting them against one another unfair and decidedly lopsided. So females-born-males out of females-born-female sports. And anybody could be a "woman" just for saying so, as society tells us all of a sudden. And like Black white supremacist Candace Owens says, if any trans person wants to play sports, that's great. Make a league for trans people to compete against trans people. Otherwise, keep the competitions separate but unequal, working toward equity while still staying separate until we evolve/devolve into a single amorphous gender of what Douglas Adams dubbed "Ameboids and Gatchularians" (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, BBC Radio Series).]

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