Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Pope says yes to gays' same-sex unions

South Park (South Park Asia); Gabriel Roman, PrincessFreeZone.com (via MSN, Nov. 28, 2023); Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Speaking of gay Catholic priests who rape children, Pope F. said, "Who am I to judge?"
Gay Pope Benedict (former Hitler Youth member Joey Ratzinger) (NewsTechnica)
[Little boys for everyone? Members of clergy only!] Pope Francis enjoys Buddhist Mongolia.
“Blasphemy and heresy at the highest level”: Tensions rise over pope’s blessing of same-sex unions

Merry Xmas! (Pope's advisor Ratzinger)
In a groundbreaking development, Latin American Catholic Pope Francis has indicated his willingness to bless same-sex unions [thereby sanctioning, promoting, and possibly even advocating for homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, transsexuality, and transgenderism, which were previously regarded as "abominations" to the God of the Jews in the Old Testament].

Oooh, me? (young Ryan Seacrest)
This move marks a significant shift in the Catholic Church’s approach towards LGBTQ+ individuals. It represents a departure from the Church’s traditional teachings, suggesting a more inclusive and accepting stance under Pope Francis’s leadership.

Responding to the dubia ["doubts"] letter: In response to a letter from a panel of conservative cardinals, Pope Francis has clarified the Church’s position on same-sex unions.

Would Ratzinger, later Pope Benedict, approve?
The letter, known as a dubia, called for a definitive [response and] stance from the Vatican.

This is part of the ongoing debate within the Church about homosexuality [of particular interest to its many homosexuality priests, predators, and child molesters].
Pope’s progressive perspective
The Shroud of Turin is mine. I'm king (Pope).
Pope Francis has been a vocal advocate for the sacredness of all forms of love [incest, bestiality, self (masturbation), pederasty, child molestation, nonbinary, trans, bigamy, interspecies, polyamory extraterrestrial alien, too?] including same-sex relationships.

His claim that these relationships are worthy of God’s blessing breaks traditional Catholic views. It suggests a more inclusive future for the Church. This statement from the Pope invites a broader discussion on the nature of love and acceptance. [Anything goes?] More"Blasphemy and heresy at the highest level"

Pope considers same gender marriage. Vatican firmly restates: Freemasonry [a competing cult] membership strictly forbidden for Catholics [and it's] an illegitimate inquiry [so don't ask].

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