Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Survival Basics: Navigation Workshop (12/2)

Chris Nyerges,; Dhr. Seven, Xochitl (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Go this way, or go that way, but whatever way you go, know where you're going (SOSR).
The local Tongva of proto-Los Angeles (Tongavaar) did not use the teepee but the kizh (wigwam)
Guide Without a Compass
Workshop in Nature from the School of Self-Reliance, Los Angeles:

It takes place on Saturday, Dec. 2, from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm  and is called BASIC NATURAL NAVIGATION AND ORIENTATION.

This field workshop is led by author, expert, and Nature Guide Christopher Nyerges.

It's easier to read than my iPhone!
What are some of the tried-and-proven methods for navigation that people have used for centuries? We'll begin with observations of the terrain -- shadows, looking at trees, moisture, feeling rocks, insect signs, and so on, making use of Native American wisdom handed down over generations.

We’ll learn how to use the stars, sun, and moon for navigation, including how to read the natural terrain.

These are survival skills that our grandparents took for granted, but as we rely more and more on GPS technologies, we have forgotten these very basic skills to orient ourselves and know where we are.

We’ll ALSO learn the basics:
  • How to read a map
  • How to use a compass
  • How to align map and compass
  • Ways to navigate the terrain with these tools.

We’ll discover how to use the "star dial" to tell time the no-tech way (as shown here by James Ruther).

We’ll also exercise our newfound skills to test our ability. Bring a notebook. Believe it or not, also included in this class are a few fire-making skills!

Location sent with registration: Students and seniors, $45, regular $65. This class may be applied towards the School of Self-Reliance Bushcraft Certificate.

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