Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Yacht billionaires: anti-Hamas propaganda

Iran started it! They threaten to assassinate me
In this wonderfully entertaining propaganda piece, we see billionaires luxuriating as they plot the destruction of the state of Israel and all the world's Jews...as if. The glossy production is good enough to admit it's all speculation and there isn't a shred of evidence for it. What it brings up is, Where did Hamas get so much money? It was Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu. He brought them to the fore, propped them up, funded them, and shielded them in Israel from right wing maniacs who wanted to illegally assassinate its leadership. But Netanyahu thought they were potentially too valuable to Israel to lose. Did he already have a false flag operation in mind?

Are you lying again, Bibi? - Maybe a little bit, some chutzpah for the Goyim press.
I shouldn't have trusted Hamas to cooperate.
It was not a traditional false flag operation like 9/11, but more of a "let's leave ourselves open to attack, and when they attack, we will retaliate on a massive scale just like any other false flag operation," more in the style of Pearl Harbor. In any case, Netanyahu was sure he could control Hamas and have them do his bidding since he was their source of money. The plan backfired. Israelis were attacked and killed.

We just sit on luxury boats laughing at Gaza?
And now by Hamas' stratagem, the whole world sees what Israel is, a settler colonial project on the scale of other European adventures, a genocidal endeavor that never wanted a two-state solution, that never wanted peace. It has just been painting itself as the ultimate victim that guilty whites and Christians, remembering Hitler's Holocaust, and all the other times Europeans threw Jews the heck out of their countries (like the time Spain expelled the Jews and conversos and sent a Jewish Columbus to the New World to commit genocide and enrich the Spanish throne or at least pay off his many debts).

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