Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Cashing in on genocide: House sales in Gaza

Ultra-Orthodox Jews are not the problem, racist Zionist Ashkenazi Jews from abroad are

Where there's a Zionist, there's a profit motive
Israeli company Harey Zahav advertises Gaza "beachfront property" in a rare opportunity to buy land in the future state of "Israel," an opportunity made possible by Israel carpet bombing the Gaza Strip and killing more than 20,000 Palestinians and sending the rest into Egypt's Sinai Desert. It's a second Nakba, "Catastrophe," tantamount to an admission that Israel's prime motive for attacking, invading, and dispossessing Palestinians of Palestine was profit, a profit motive, because "war is a racket," as U.S. Col. Smedley Butler taught us.

Owen Jones examines Netanyahu's evil plans for Gaza and the West Bank,
Palestine, which is to empty it by making life impossible until they leave.

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