Monday, January 29, 2024

Protesters attack Mona Lisa with soup

The NY Post, 1/28/24; DWSeth Auberon, Crystal Q., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
What are you smirking at, B*tch? - Nothing, you see? Now my wry smile has gone away.
Protesters hurl soup at Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa in Paris museum
(New York Post) A pair of female climate change activists hurled bright orange pumpkin soup at the Mona Lisa on Sunday at the Louvre (pronounced \lew'vrhh/) Museum in Paris as onlookers gasped, shocking new video shows.

Due to the Mandella Effect, she's different now.
“What is more important,” the crazed activists shouted in French, “art or the right to have a healthy and sustainable food system?”

The two caring females (young and old, of two very different generations) are members of the activist group called Riposte Alimetaire, or “Food Response,” which issued a statement saying the stunt was meant to highlight the need to protect the environment.

Activists throw soup at Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa in Paris | DW News
(DW News) Jan. 28, 2024: Leonardo Da Vinci's world-famous painting "The Mona Lisa" has been attacked. Two climate change protesters threw soup at the priceless artwork, which is protected by thick bulletproof glass in Paris' Louvre Museum. The attackers then called for the reforms to the French agricultural system. #Paris #MonaLisa #Louvre

We want the original back!
“Two activists from the environmental movement ‘Riposte Alimentaire’ sprayed pumpkin soup on the armored glass protecting the Mona Lisa, this Sunday, January 28, 2024, around 10:00 am,” the museum said in a statement, according to CNN.

“The Louvre’s security staff immediately intervened.” [The world famous painting was not hurt in the slightest nor, apparently, was it meant to be. It's safe and well protected.]

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