Monday, January 29, 2024

Life in Buddhist Japan is a rollercoaster ride, Life in Japan, 11/3/23; CC Liu, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Riding Japan's most thrilling rides at Fuji-Q Highland | Life in Japan
(Life in Japan) In Episodes 229 and 234, the expat Reutter family (Ruth, Nate, Anna, and Rebecca) goes on an adventure to Fuji-Q Highland,  home of some of Japan's most intense amusement rides, after an epic Japanese celebration that shut down the town. It's Rebecca and Anna's 14th birthday, so we're coming to try them out. As globetrotter on a trompe le monde, life in a Buddhist country is pretty sweet with lots of intercultural exchange. #lifeinjapan

For lots of additional content in English, see the website Check out Paz Japan Channel: pazchurch. For Paz Coffee Shop: Nate's Instagram: NateReutter. Ruth's Instagram: RuthReutter.  Japanese Translation Team: Ryoji and Miruka.

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