Monday, February 19, 2024

Trump must now pay $400 mil to appeal loss

Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY
But I'm supposed to win and win again until I'm sick of winning!!! I'm not LOSER! No!.

Who would choose you over ME, Joe? - TPTB
Poor Trump, corporate loser-in-chief but no longer CEO of any business in New York,
  • Americans are mocking him in front of Trump Towers,
  • questioning his cognitive viability (saying it may be worse than senile Genocide Joe Biden), 
  • questioning his ability to pay a fine imposed on him by a judge he held in contempt and was erratic and unpredictable with,
  • and he lost a popularity contest with the most popular pop star since Elvis, one Taylor "Nazi Barbie" Swift, the people's choice,
  • Pretend to elect Joe. He's going to win anyway.
    and Trump's ranking among American presidents has landed him dead last, which some might call the "worst" president so far -- which is not easy to do on a list that includes two Bushs and a Black hypocrite (who promised change and gave us more war, more government reach, and all around more of the same-same).
It's a popularity contest. I did what I had to.
Many notable conservatives, no fans of Warlord Biden, are against him, like Ann Coulter, Alex Jones, former candidates, and some silent type backbenchers in the GOP. How is he going to pull the next election out of his ASAP hat without their help?

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