Monday, February 19, 2024

We need an alternative to vote for: RFK?

Robert F. Kennedy | Campaign HQ; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Vote Andy Basiago for president
Clearly, no one wants a rematch of Biden and Trump. The country has had enough of these two.

But the parties (or the two wings of the one party, the Money Party) keep forcing these white geriatric patients on us.

This leaves us, the people or at least the population since "We The People" legally refers to something else though we are led to assume that's us, in need of an alternative.
Could that be RFK (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.)? He's better than the other two, but rumor has it he fully pro-war, pro-Israel, pro-status quo for the Endless War economy, and we want a peace candidate, a Kucinich or Tulsi (if she hadn't become a disappointment).

What about Jill Stein in the Green Party? There's the new People's Party. Dr. Cornell West ended up being a big disappointment.

He's a serious candidate because of prophecy
Our real vote would love to go to lawyer Andrew D. Basiago, the disclosure candidate. But who knows if he's running this time (in this timeline) for us to vote for him. Somewhere in the universe, he will be president of the U.S. but maybe not here. Hear him out before laughing him off. We as a population are not yet advanced enough to believe him, and he can usher us forward.

So whaddya say, Democratic National Convention (DNC)?

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