Monday, May 13, 2024

Billie Eilish + 14 'evil' Christian celebrities

Billie Eilish, who lives in LA (Mt. Washington), will release her new album this week at a free listening party at Kia Forum. She'll be there in disguise to see how the crowd reacts with Finneas and parents before world tour starts.
  • Tickets go on sale May 3, 2024. Pre-sales in select markets April 30-May 1, including early access for American Express card members. Pre-sale access does not guarantee tickets
Wow, they really hate [my] God
Good work, you won't be saved by good works
Mike (Joyful Exile) May 2024: Commentary on and clips from John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Christian Bale, Justin Bieber and wife Hailey Baldwin, Evil Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Stephen Colbert, Whoopi Goldberg, Chris Rock, Heather MacDonald, Beyonce, Billie Eilish, Demi Lovato, Brett Cooper, Chris Evans, Ricky Gervais, Jack Black, Kathy Griffin, and Yvonne Orji.

God don't make no junk...except
Hi, I’m Mike, a deacon, a husband, a father of three (so far), a software engineer, and an exile who makes videos, builds apps, and creates content to communicate biblical truth to a world that won't listen. [Why won't you listen to me!?!]

Would you consider joining me in my mission by [giving me money for my God or by] simply subscribing and watching these videos until the end, to help the algorithm recommend biblical truth to more people?

Is he mocking us, Phineas? - Yeah, Pirate.
Thank you from the bottom of my [God's wallet and] heart. Let’s BATTLE [and KILL the unbelievers and infidels] for God’s glory and kingdom together.

Patreon (to help with the cost of editing) - joyfulexile. Website (to learn more about me and my projects) - [And repent, you stupid SOB sinners and bow thy knee to my God!]

The world wouldn't be the same without Billie Eilish (C.S.)

Unhappy with Mike? Know God
How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali 
This paperback from 1953 by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood is a classic translation with 4.7 out of 5 stars after 533 ratings.

This is a major work on the practice of yoga (union) and meditation. Through these ancient sayings (aphorisms), readers learn how to control the mind and achieve inner peace.

Although these methods were taught over 2,000 years ago, they are as alive and effective as they have ever been.

This translation draws from the inspired commentary of both Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood. (Routledge Library)

Spirituality without a grouchy God?
Wait, is this "yoga"? Look, Larry David has no balance. No, this is not Ashtanga Yoga.
O, Great Yogi, teach me to know myself.
Protestantism was smart to reject the Holy Roman Imperial Church and their Godman. But what did they set up in His place, the angry God of the Bible, the compassionate Virgin Mary, the "begotten" son? Judging from modern American fundamentalists and evangelicals, it's all Yeshua (Buddhist Saint Issa) all the time.

The reason it was good to reject Rome's Holy See and the oldest corporation in the world (Vatican, Inc. under CEO Francis) was because the Church wanted to be the go between our experience of the divine. Is an intermediary priest necessary to connect with our natural potential for divinity?

Catholic priests, Brahmin priests, and other priests get in the way. It's one thing to advise like an imam or rabbi, but to act as a necessary ingredient in the process robs us of our potential for direct contact with angels, saviors, and celestial beings.

This is what yoga allows, yoga being "union" with spirit (breath, prana, holy spirit, neuma) and "God" (a brahma, a "Supreme Being" or "Supremo" like Great Brahma) or "GOD" (Brahman, the "ultimate reality behind the 'Illusion' that is Maya").

Mara seduces, distracts us, keeping us negligent, trapped.
With all these sexy singers and all those pop idol stage acts that look more like stripper reviews at clubs out by the airport, isn't a devil (a mara like Mara Devaputra) using pop music to mislead many. In Buddhism, the "devil" isn't evil, trying to get everyone into hell. He is a Cupid, Eros, Kamadeva, trying to keep everyone trapped in the Sensual Sphere (kama loka).

There are heavens in the Sensual Sphere but much better heavens beyond that in the Fine Material Sphere (rupa loka) and even more subtle worlds above that known as the Immaterial Sphere (arupa loka).

The human plane, animals, demons, nature fairies, ogres, gnomes, reptilians, ghosts, hellions, and devils are all in the Sensual Sphere. Those heavens, places of incredible lifespans, glory, rest, creativity, tremendous pleasures, and more subtle pleasures than sensuality are not permanent. They are no solution to the problem of rebirth and suffering.

The solution can be found here and now in this very world, the human plane being the lowest of planes still considered good and fortunate places to be reborn. For it is here that we are able to store up much merit, much beneficial and profitable good karma.

In lower worlds, there is no chance to do so because it's gritty and all concerned with surviving and suffering. In higher worlds, sadly, there is a chance but one is too distracted, to absorbed in pleasant sensations and experiences.

Here there is such a mix of both that we can't stay too distracted, and yet it is not constant suffering. We are not safe on solid ground, nor are we are drowning in the sea. As humans, we're right on the shore in the surf, tumbling between the two. So it's a good place to get to know our divinity, our angelic (devic) potential, our ability to be reborn in heaven, and even that rare possibility of awakening here and now.
  • Billie Eilish, Hit Me Hard Hit Me Soft; Mike (The Exile); Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY

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