Monday, May 13, 2024

The Simpsons on the Jewish problem

You two need to get along. - We do! It's CIA-Bibi
Of course, Judaism is not fighting Islam. Islam is not fighting Judaism. And Western Christianity is not pitting the two by throwing Jews out of Europe and into the Middle East. So what is happening?

Zionist Jews (mostly secular expansionists are claiming land with the Bible as their handy authority, which they use when it suits them and ignore all the rest of the time) are pushing everyone else out to make a spearhead tip to start an empire that will swallow
  • Palestine,
  • Lebanon,
  • Jordan,
  • Egypt,
  • Syria,
  • Saudi Arabia,
  • the UAE, and
  • Iran then grow from there.
That is why all the countries of the region are resisting Zionism, British imperialism, the CIA, and the White House as it tries to encroach on their land using Jews as pawns.

Help me, Bibi, and I'll send you more than Joe.
Promised a homeland and territory of their own, Zionist Jews fell for it a long time ago. They are only too happy to conduct offensive and revenge attacks and overkill in a war for territory as Sepultura calls it.

Who couldn't see this coming as the US continues to give, sell, trade, and sneak weapons into the "State" of Israel, America's 52nd state?

I told Bibi to stop killing, but he won't listen!
Now the White House wants to play both sides? "We told Netanyahu to stop killing civilians [as we armed the IDF to kill as many bodies as remained in the way of empire]. We don't know why he won't listen. But, you know, Israel has a right to defend itself, so I guess we really can't tell them anything. We have to ship these arms and ammunitions to them. Hands are tied. Bible says so."

Charlie Kirk, Christian Zionist for Israel's genocide

Terrible Simpsons predictions for 2024
(Nature Discoveries) May 2024: The Simpsons is one of the most popular and controversial shows in US history. It has gained a reputation for "predictive programming," making predictions (pre-releasing information) about the future with surgical precision.

From the coronavirus pandemic to Edward Snowden's classified national security files, The Simpsons cartoon has had some pretty accurate premonitions about the world to come.

Ha ha, you stupid humans. It's our time to shine!
The Simpsons
also has some scary predictions for this year (2024). Let's talk about Trump's shocking return, virtual reality meals, and a potential takeover of the world by AI-powered robots.

What other scary predictions did they make for this year, and when will they come to pass?

We'll reveal all of that, but before going into scary predictions, let's look at some terrific Simpsons prophecies that have already come true.

For over three decades, The Simpsons has entertained audiences with sharp wit, wacky storylines, and dark humor all in the guise of an average American family.

Many viewers may overlook the prophetic parts and accurate predictions that have left the world scratching its head over the years. For instance, there was an episode called "Lisa's Wedding" in 1995. Remember?
  • Nature Discoveries, May 8, 2024; Sepultura, "War for Territory"; Shauna Schwartz, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY

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