Monday, June 17, 2024

Dictator Bibi disbands Israel's War Cabinet

Does killer war criminal Bibi represent me, an Ashkenazi European secular Jew? Hades no!
Bibi likes dumb Trump and Biden or anyone who helps his genocide (The Guardian)
Eat, King, eat as the children and adults starve in that Muslim ghetto of Israel called Gaza!

Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has dissolved his war cabinet, an Israeli official told CNN Monday, just over a week after opposition leader Benny Gantz withdrew from the band of warlords.

I tried to tell Bibi to stop, but he hung up on me.
Decision-making will now move back to PM Netanyahu and the previous arrangement he had with the government’s main [offensive] "security" cabinet, the Israeli official said, claiming Bibi Netanyahu “will [unilaterally be in charge and] hold smaller forums on sensitive matters [as cover for any decisions on war he makes].”

The Israeli war cabinet, set up [by Netanyahu] five days after the Hamas-led terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7, had five members:
SOBibi is going to get us all arrested by the ICJ
  1. Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu,
  2. Defense Minister Yoavie Gallant,
  3. Opposition leader Benny Gantz,
  4. and two “observers,” Ronnie Dermer and
  5. Gadi Eisenkot.
But Minister Gantz – seen as Netanyahu’s most formidable political opponent – announced his “complex and painful” decision to withdraw [resign] from the cabinet last week, citing Netanyahu’s failure to devise a strategy for the conflict genocide in Gaza and the future governance of the Gaza Strip [under full Israeli rule].

Jewish War Secretary’s daughter feels 'unsafe'
The IDF (Israel's elite US-supplied military) yesterday announced a daily “tactical pause” in its attacks on Rafah, Gaza, to allow humanitarian relief to enter the Gaza Strip, after its war crimes of repeatedly blocking aid from reaching Palestinians in Gaza since October 7. While a full ceasefire is still vital, “any pause in the bombing is good news for children,” says UNICEF spokesperson James Elder, speaking to Democracy Now! from Rafah. “The physical and psychological exhaustion they face is almost impossible to capture,” he says, characterizing Israel’s offensive as “a war on children.”
I engineered Oct. 7th to exterminate Gaza. So?
“Netanyahu prevents us from moving forward to a real victory [in Gaza],” Gantz said June 9, 2024.

Gantz accused Netanyahu of putting his own personal political considerations [to avoid imprisonment, exile on a CIA ship or island, prosecution, or demotion to light monitor] ahead of a post-war strategy for the Gaza Strip.

Israelis say, SHOW THE GENOCIDE! (شرش | Shoresh | שר”ש (@shoresh_us) Anti-Zionist Jews)
شرش | Shoresh | שר”ש
He claims that “fateful strategic decisions are met with hesitancy and procrastination due to [Netanyahu's] political considerations,” and urged the prime minister to hold an election in the coming months. [Elections? For his own ouster? Netanyahu is not interested in doing any such thing].

“I call on Netanyahu: set an agreed election date. Do not let our [Jewish] people be torn apart,” Gantz said.

In April, Gantz called for early elections to be held as soon as September, ahead of the one-year anniversary of the war, saying “Israeli society needs to renew its contract with its leadership.” The month before, he had traveled to Washington, DC, to meet with US Vice President Kamala Harris in a trip not sanctioned by the Israeli government. More
  • Eugenia Yosef and Elliott Gotkine, CNN, 6/17/24; Shauna Schwartz, Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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