Monday, June 17, 2024

A vote for Biden is a vote for genocide?

Biden ‘easiest person’ for Democrats to choose
I'll show them, I'll show them. I can sell out.
(Sky News Australia) June 17, 2024: Former White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney says Joe Biden is the “easiest person” for the Democrats to choose because everyone in the party is “sort of okay” with Genocide Joe. “One of the reasons that Joe Biden is still there…is he is the easiest person for them to choose,” Mr. Mulvaney told Sky News Australia. “Go down the list, and Joe Biden is the one that everybody is sort of okay with.”

This is what a REAL Biden campaign commercial would look like
(The Jimmy Dore Show) June 17, 2024: They tell us, if we vote our conscience, it doesn't count. They tell us, if we vote third party, it doesn't count. What counts? we ask. They tell us, vote for the "lesser evil." But isn't the "lesser evil" evil by definition? Yeah. You want us to vote for evil? Yes, but the lesser evil.

Lovable idiot is sick, demented, senile, possessed

Mwah ha ha! Let me think up a lie as I talk.
We'd rather vote our conscience. My mind, my vote. We're voting with our hearts, third party or independent. Even a write-in would be better than voting evil because if we vote evil, the next impossible choice is even worse, every time.

"No, you stupid fools," they say, "you have no choice -- so vote evil! We mean lesser evil!" Trump is evil, a lowlife of a human being, a liar, narcissist, rapist, an incestuous child molester on Pedophile Island with Bill and Hillary Clinton as the guest of blackmailers and child traffickers murdered Jeff Epstein and indicted and convicted co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell.

Joe Biden molested his daughter Ashley Biden?
But Joe Biden is evil, a genocidal lowlife and a lifelong politician who molests children at home, including his own daughter and a child he can get his hands or nose on (even when cameras are documenting it). He may not have traveled to Pedo Isle, but he was involved in PizzaGate and the Democrat parties, where sex offender Jewish NY Democrat Anthony Finkelstein-Weiner was introduced to Hillary's lesbian partner and sexually harassed sleepover personal assistant Huma Abedin. This was well-known inside the Beltway, though perhaps not generally known in the country ruled by the city (Washington, DC).

  • I am not a witch. A lesbian, maybe
    Bisexual or opportunistic (over of pizza) Huma Abedin wrote a memoir titled Both/And: A Life in Many Worlds (11/22) covering her crazy life and childhood in Saudi Arabia, her Muslim faith, her time as an aide to lesbian Hillary Clinton, and her sick relationship with estranged husband Democratic Rep. A. Weiner, which she says was a therapeutic process, helping her work through a tumultuous time as a result of Weiner's multiple sexual scandals [24] [as Hillary comforted her and gave her a leg up].
  • I did what I had to for advancement
    In the memoir, Abedin explores the multiple identities that have shaped her, in particular being born in Michigan then raised in Saudi Arabia by a strict Pakistani father and a more permissive Indian mother [25]. Earlier molestation? In the memoir, Abedin wrote that in the mid-2000s, an unnamed U.S. senator had "kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth, pressing me back on the sofa."
  • I love Huma's personal services. She was good.
  • She wrote that she had "buried" the incident until accusations of sexual assault against Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018 triggered her memory [26]. In an interview with CBS News Sunday Morning to promote the book, she said she did not feel that the senator was sexually assaulting her in that moment [27]. [That's just what they do. He was a Democrat. Hillary does the same sort of thing to the ladies and her witch club.] More

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