Thursday, September 12, 2024

Happy World Dolphin Day (9/12)

We're not all bad, Humans.
Today is World Dolphin Day. Of course, we don't have to worry in the States because we worship this sea mammal on April 14th on NATIONAL DOLPHIN DAY each year when we recognize the social and intelligent mammals of the sea. #NationalDolphinDay

Hey, Baby, come here often? - I'm a bird.
Dolphins are cetacean mammals that are related to whales and porpoises (and orcas or killer "whales" are actually giant dolphins). They range in size from 4 feet to up to 30 feet; dolphins are among almost forty species in 17 genera.

Found worldwide, they prefer the shallower seas of the continental shelves. As predatory carnivores, their diet consists of mostly fish and squid.
He's looking at me like Uncle Bob, Momma!
[But they will rape and take a nip out of a human, smothering swimmers, taking them down to the seafloor to drown and/or penetrate, as was recently witnessed in Japan in gang rapes of swimmers at the beach by juvenile pods. They can get awful "friendly" in Hawaii, too, and jealous once they bond to a human. Others better watch out, and that human better watch out. Oh, Flipper, so named because they can flip out.]

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