Thursday, September 12, 2024

Pope visits Buddhist Asia, Singapore

Isn't it time for a change, Singapore?
Why would the Vatican CEO, the King of the Holy See, the ruler of the Catholic Church pontiff visit a tiny minority of Catholics in Buddhist Singapore and Asia in general? Just as when he visited a tiny community in Mongolia, it's strategic, sticking it to neighboring China, which the Church craves to enter and dominate. (The Han Chinese rulers caught on and will not allow a church organization in unless they can join in the ruling of the population, and Rome does not share power).
The BBC provided great reportage about the Holy Father's visit to Singapore's National Stadium to give a mass to an audience of 50,000, noting the "rock concert" atmosphere of the event as if Pope Swift, aka Holy Taylor, were coming to town to play a show and driving everyone kray-kray, full loco. It's a boring mass, for God's sakes. Even the Lord drifts off when the officiant goes long. But average earthlings (basic people) love ritual, love ceremony, love pomp and circumstance. It's the way to rule an empire. Ask Hitler and his PR team, the Nazis. No one threw a better parade and rally, try as MAGA might.

This may go long, but it will help your devotional feel to have some patience and awe.

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