Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Why was the Pope in Buddhist Mongolia?

Thank you, little Chinese boy. - I'm a Mongol boy, sir. - Want to be a priest in my Vatican?

Take that, China. You, too Russia. Mwah! Ciao.
Sometimes when one wants to give China and Russia -- which look on with envy, anger, and annoyance, a great kick in the eye -- simply exploit a small country as a pretext for larger conquests. Catholicism is the world's largest religion in the world, and it's no accident. To sway Chinese Catholics away from their fanatical communist military dictatorship and police state (even as its finances crumble) and snub Russia, Vatican CEO Francis paid a little visit to an out-of-the-way Buddhist land to remind the neighboring superpowers that Genghis Khan once rampage through this very land and showed the world who's the boss of the world's largest empire. Imperial Rome still rules, one way or another.

His Majesty of the Holy Roman Empire Pope Francis' trip to Buddhist Mongolia
(ROME REPORTS in English) Sept. 5, 2023: Pope Francis is the first pope in history to visit the giant land-locked country with a small population.

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The Holy Roman Empire gets a toehold

A Look at Mongolia's Catholic Church as Pope Francis makes historical visit | EWTN News in depth 
(EWTN) Sept. 1, 2023: When Pope Francis announced he would be going to Mongolia to visit the tiny "Catholic Church" there, it led many to wonder what that church ("community of worshipers") was like in the landlocked Asian Buddhist country. Between Russia and China, Mongolia has one of the smallest Catholic populations in the world, with only 1,400 Catholics.

Hail, Your Highness. - De nada, monhe Budista.
EWTN News reporter Colm Flynn travelled to Mongolia ahead of the pope's visit to get an in-depth look at how the Catholic Church there operates and the many challenges it faces.

ABOUT: Hosted by Montse Alvarado, EWTN News In Depth welcomes guests in a discussion of current events in the Church, politics, and culture, all through the lens of the [imperial] Catholic faith. This show is about finding out who members are as people and as Catholics, and how they can confidently live faith in the world. It is produced by EWTN News: https://www.ewtnnews.com

Leaders come, leaders go, but Rome lives on
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You guys still ride horses? - Yes, doesn't everyone? - No, even I have my own car.
The pope's private car when he's not being driven around in luxurious, expensive Euro jobs
  • Rome Reports, 9/5/23; EWTN; Pfc. Sandoval, CC Liu, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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