Friday, January 30, 2009

Akasa Devas: UFO's

(YouTube: URL) (Google Video: URL)

Akasa (or akasha in Sanskrit) means "space." It literally refers to the sky or open space rather than the modern conception of "outer space." However, the sky keeps going into the celestial worlds (deva-lokas).

It is tempting to imagine that devas (literally, "shining ones") simply refers to ephemeral spirits or highly evolved, fine-material entities, to deities. However, in a concrete sense they are beings who live above earth, in vimanas (space vehicles, sometimes called "platforms" or "mansions").

The lower ones could easily make contact, and they have for tens of thousands of years, as recorded in Indian classics like the Vedas and Ramayana.
The following is a modern exploration regarding the topic of "reverse engineering." This suggests that governments of the earth, past and present, have held alien (or extraterrestrial) technology. By taking it apart it is possible to discern how it was put together and to mimic it. Reputedly, just as one example, this is how we got fiber optic technology.

All technological revolutions giving an advantage to one culture over another seems to be based on some sudden revelation. This being the case, governments have learned not to question the source of new technology preferring to judge it instead on its scientific feasibility.

With that, if viewers will temporarily suspend disbelief, it is possible to enjoy this History Channel special with an open mind that does not presume to understand the mysterious world of which we only comprise a small part.

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