Friday, January 30, 2009

Radio: Burmese Hip Hop (rap music)

The World* (Public Radio International)
Global Hit
Burmese Hip Hop

Finally today -- a story of music and politics. In many countries, musicians are free to voice their political views through song. Not so in Burma (Myanmar). There political repression and censorship are severe. That's something that young Burmese hip hop artists have discovered firsthand. The World's Andrea Smardon prepared this report (

She found that in spite of the totalitarian government's censorship in Myanmar, Hip Hop has become popular among young Burmese. It's also given some of them a political voice. More »

*PRI's The World is a one-hour, weekday radio news magazine offering a mix of news, features, interviews, and music from around the globe. Hosted by anchor Lisa Mullins. Ways to listen: Your public radio station, iTunes, or RSS. Support The World at Amazon.

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