Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dancing Shiva and Dispelling Fear

Buddhist monks dispelling fear on a rollercoaster (

Every culture has its symbol of the triumph of "good over evil." In India it is the Dancing Shiva, also known as Nataraj. It is often portrayed as a statue in the Hindu tradition with similar themes running through Buddhist art.

The Nataraj is mystical and reminiscent of the Bharat Natyam and Kuchipudi dancers who say a prayer before every dance recital, such as the Arangetram ceremonies (a graduation of sorts).

"Fritzof Capra in The Tao of Physics relates Nataraj's dance with modern physics. "Every subatomic particle not only performs an energy dance, but also is an energy dance; a pulsating process of creation and destruction…without end…For the modern physicists, then Shiva's dance is the dance of subatomic matter. As in Hindu mythology, it is a continual dance of creation and destruction involving the whole cosmos; the basis of all existence and of all natural phenomena."

Indian yogi: a non-dancing Shavite ascetic

Similarly there is a poem by Ruth Peel:

"The source of all movement,
Shiva's dance,
Gives rhythm to the universe.
He dances in evil places,
In sacred,
He creates and preserves,
Destroys and releases.

We are part of this dance
This eternal rhythm,
And woe to us if, blinded
By illusions,
We detach ourselves
From the dancing cosmos,
This universal harmony…"

This dancing form of Lord Shiva is a synthesis of the most important aspects of Hinduism, which claims Buddhism by extension, and summarizes the central tenets of Vedic religion. The term Nataraj means "King of Dancers" (Sanskrit, nata = dance; raja = king).

An extraordinary iconographic representation of the rich and diverse cultural heritage of India, it was developed in southern India. The development came about in a series of beautiful bronze sculptures made by 9th and 10th century artists. This is known as the Chola period (880-1279). By the 12th century, it achieved canonical status and soon the Chola Nataraja became the supreme statement of Hindu art.

It is a marvellously unified and dynamic composition expressing the rhythm and harmony of life. Shiva's four hands represent the four cardinal directions. He is dancing — his left foot elegantly raised and his right placed on a prostrate figure. This figure is Apasmara Purusha, the personification of illusion and ignorance over whom Shiva triumphs.

This is similar to Buddhism in that the Buddha triumphs over "Mara," the personification of Death. He simultaneously triumphs over ignorance and Samsara (continued wandering on through the round of rebirth and death).

The upper right hand holds an hourglass drum or dumroo, which stands for the male-female vital principle. The lower shows the gesture of assertion: "Be without fear." This is similar to the Buddha's hand gesture (mudra) dispelling fear. The upper left hand holds a flame. The lower left points down to a dwarf, who is shown holding a cobra.

Snakes, which represent egotism, are seen uncoiling from his arms, legs, and braided and bejewelled hair. His matted locks whirl as he dances within an arch of flames representing Samsara, the endless cycle of death, birth, and death. On his head is a skull, which symbolizes his conquest over death.

The Goddess Ganga, epitomizing the holy Ganges river, also sits in hair. His third eye is symbolic of his omniscience, insight, and enlightenment. The entire idol rests on a lotus pedestal, the symbol of the creative forces of the universe. Many of the same features are embedded in Buddhist works through different symbols.

Shiva's cosmic dance is called Anandatandava, the "Dance of Bliss." It symbolizes the cosmic cycles of creation and destruction, as well as the daily rhythm of birth and death. In Buddhist terms this would be Anicca or "impermanence," known in longer cycles as "eventual decay" and in much shorter cycles as "constant flux."

The dance is a pictorial allegory of the five principle manifestations of eternal energy — creation, destruction, preservation, emancipation, and illusion. According to A.K. Coomerswamy, the Dance of Shiva also represents his five activities: evolution, support, de-evolution, illusion, and release (or grace). The overall temper of the image is paradoxical, uniting the inner tranquility and outer activity of Shiva.

  • [Drona & Dharmachari; Nataraj text adapted from].
Dispell fear even if the dollar and economy should tumble

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