Saturday, April 4, 2009

Police Clash with NATO Summit Protesters

Europe continues to fight back against globalization as protesters say "No!" to banking and military efforts to overrun the world

Group of peaceful Anti-NATO activist dressed as clowns, travelling by bus, wave to riot police near the so-called anti-NATO village in the Neuhoff district of Strasbourg, eastern France, 4/3/09, during NATO's 60th-anniversary summit (AP/Michel Spingler).

STRASBOURG, France – Police held back protesters with tear gas and detained two dozen people in a pre-dawn clash before a summit of leaders of 28 NATO nations Saturday on the French-German border.
Some 1,800 protesters left their camp in the south of the French city of Strasbourg at about 4 a.m. (0200 GMT) and headed north through deserted streets to the summit site, surveyed from above by several police helicopters shining searchlights.

The site is ringed with heavy security, and riot police kept them back with tear gas and barricades. More>>

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