Monday, January 18, 2010

Richard Gere's Yoga Business Woes

Lee Brown (, Jan. 18, 2010)

Movie legend Richard Gere is being accused of failing to pay wages to staff at his restaurant complex. Gere, a devout Buddhist, and wife Carey Lowell took over the historic Bedford Post Inn in Westchester, New York, in 2008. They revamped it into an eight-room inn, restaurant, cafe, and yoga studio. But at least three people working there have told US media that they have not been getting paid their wages.

According to insiders, some yoga instructors at the inn have had payment delayed for up to three months at a time. The yogis, who earn up to $75 per class, say multiple e-mails and phone calls to accountants went unanswered, leading them to stand outside the accounting office in a trailer near the main house to beg for their paychecks.

"We find it humiliating," one employee said. "It's the exact opposite of what yoga is about – integrity, being honest." And it is not just staff grumbling – some vendors also say they are having to fight to get paid what is rightfully owed them." More>>

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