Saturday, November 19, 2011

Israel-mania and Islamophobia (comedy)

Wisdom Quarterly (ANALYSIS)
Islamophobia for Dummies with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert and commentary
Islamophobia in America
Two sides of a weighted coin are flipped in the media: It is extremely Islamophobic (hateful and fearful of all things Islam, Muslim, foreign) and pro-Israel. It is no accident. Israeli nationalists buy our government (through AIPAC, well bank rolled lobbying, PR, and direct Israeli diplomatic efforts).

While the military-industrial complex loves the Arabs of Saudi Arabia, it is hypocritical and draconian to the rest of the Islamic world, the vast majority of which is not comprised of Arabs. Most Muslims are not Arabs. Indonesia, Malaysia, and China have enormous Muslim populations without being caught up in extremism (Wahhabism) or anti-Islamic acts.


"Jihad" does not call for conquering anyone but oneself. The CIA (with the help of American think tanks) has twisted this teaching and trained rebels, whom it then attacks in the name of America, democracy, and even feminism.

The CIA created the "Taliban," which it then used to justify the military-industrial complex's invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.


Its newest creation is called Al-Shabaab, which it is using as a pretext for the invasion of Somalia. Al-Shabaab (Arabic, الشباب‎, "The Youth," "The Boys," or "The Lads") is considered a terrorist group of militants fighting to overthrow the government of Somalia.


Its first creation in the Arab world was the Mujahideen, which it imported into Afghanistan from Pakistan and Iran to counter Russian expansion into Afghanistan. To anger the world it converted the "good" Mujahideen into the "evil" Taliban. The CIA then inspired them to destroy the Buddhas of Bamiyan to curry universal condemnation. (Arabic, مجاهدين, muǧāhidīn, "strugglers" or "people doing jihad"). The word is from the same Arabic triliteral as jihad ("struggle").

Osama bin Laden
The CIA used Emmanuel Goldstein (aka, multi-millionaire super agent "Osama bin Laden") in the same way -- pretending he lead a worldwide movement of sleeper cell rebels to be combated everywhere. This is how we have justified a policy of endless war and a new secret police force/spying agency called in Newspeak Homeland Security. It is as if one were reading right out of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four.

This bogeyman figure then incurred the full wrath of the US military in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and anywhere else it has been convenient. This has included the civilian US and airports everywhere.

The worst crimes against humanity -- against the people of Palestine and the illegally occupied territories stolen from them -- are carried out by the Israeli government, justified in the name of God, with the help of the US. And no one is allowed to say anything without immediately being labelled antisemitic, insensitive to an ironic history of Nazism and military fascism. It is ironic for obvious reasons no one is allowed to point out.

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