Saturday, November 19, 2011

UC Police State (the pepper spray video)

() Police abuse of students at UC Davis. While peacefully participating in the Occupy Movement on campus (near the California state capital), police came in to tear down tents. They proceeded to arrest students protecting their free speech camp. "What do you think this is, Berkeley?" When students peacefully demanded the release of those arrested, UC Police Lt. John Pike retaliated. He casually assaulted more than a dozen students in a way that would get him years in prison if it were done without official sanction by the Chancellor and local police in full riot gear. He pepper sprayed the students to open a path for the rest of the officers.

The officer who sprayed the students is UC Davis Police Lt. John Pike (530) 752-3989,

Annette M. Spicuzza,
UC Davis Police Chief
(530) 752-3113

Chancellor Linda Katehi
(530) 752-2065

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