Saturday, October 6, 2012

Coast to Coast's George Noory SINGS (live)

Ashley Wells, Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly

"Can't Help Falling in Love" (Elvis Presley) by G Man Noory, Oct. 6, 2012, Los Angeles Ballroom, Conscious Life Expo, LAX Hilton. Improved audio below (A. Wells/Wisdom Quarterly).
While Coast to Coast listeners enjoyed John B. Wells on the air, regular host George Noory was belting out the standards in Los Angeles to a room full of astonished listeners.
The Conscious Life Expo is a biannual event at the LAX Hilton. It features psychics, scientists, odd balls, luminaries, and more than a few fakers. The End of the World Party gathered them all in one ballroom, Los Angeles A/B following the $100 "Goodbye to 2012" banquet, which featured the possibly tipsy (or jet lagged) crooner Noory, Ancient Aliens' Giorgio Tsoukalos, NASA's Richard Hoagland, Mayan expert John Jenkins, alien implant ufologist Dr. Roger Lear, and other guests.
 George Noory (Wisdom Quarterly)
Noory first love was not radio hosting. I was singing, but his father was never going to stand for that. You should be a dentist, a doctor, maybe an accountant. But years of listening to Elvis, Bobby Darin, Niel Sedaka, Frank Sinatra, and Sid Vicious seems to have left an indelible mark.
Producer Gina Salvatti, UFO summoner Robert Bingham, alien contactee Robert Perala, and LA's unique brand of cereal (Fruit Flavored Flakes 'n Nuts) were all in attendance for this breakthrough performance. While everyone bikes outside, staring into space or at the chemtrails, the illumination continues Sunday within and on the air.
   "Under the Sea" (Bobby Darin) as performed by G Man Noory

Anyone who thinks radio host George Noory was joking is obviously not familiar with the Sex Pistols' classic punk rendition of "My Way" (Frank Sinatra) or Justin Bieber barfing.

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