Saturday, April 20, 2013

4/20: massive Denver smoke out (legal)

Wisdom Quarterly;;
Cannabis sativa leaf (David McNew/Getty Images/

Abuse? (Julia Ferguson/flickr)
It looks like one of the the biggest "420" pot parties in Colorado will be shut down again in 2013, despite recreational marijuana having been legalized last November.
The University of Colorado Boulder announced Monday that for the second year in a row the university will be shut down on April 20 in an attempt to snuff out the annual 4/20 marijuana smoke-out on campus.
“We are committed to ending the unwelcome 4/20 gathering on the CU-Boulder campus, and this year’s approach represents the continuance of a multi-year plan to achieve that end,” said CU-Boulder Chancellor Philip P. DiStefano in a statement.
“What’s important here is the protection of CU’s missions of research, teaching, and service. This isn’t about marijuana or drug laws. It’s about not disrupting the important work of a world-class university.”
In years past, the marijuana celebration has brought 10,000 to 12,000 people to campus to light up, and no doubt this year with recreational weed newly legalized, university leaders were very likely concerned with drawing record crowds. More

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