Sunday, April 21, 2013

Five benefits to obtain through wealth (sutra)

Dhr. Seven and Amber Dorrian Adiya Sutra (AN 5.41) translation, Wisdom Quarterly
Buddha, Phutthamonton, Nakorn-Pratom province, Thailand (Gift-of-Light/
Then Anathapindika the [Buddhist multi millionaire stream-enterer] householder went to the Buddha, bowed, and sat respectfully to one side.
While sitting there the Blessed One said to him: "There are five benefits that can be obtained by wealth. What are these five?
1. "A disciple of the noble ones -- making wise use of the wealth earned through one's own effort and enterprise, amassed through one's own strength, and piled up through effort (sweat), honorable wealth rightly gained -- provides for oneself pleasure and satisfaction and maintains it. One provides one's mother and father with pleasure and satisfaction and maintains it. One provides one's children, spouse, slaves, servants, and assistants with pleasure and satisfaction and maintains it. This is the first benefit that can be obtained by wealth.
Anathapindika trades gold for land to donate.
2. "Furthermore, a disciple of the noble ones... provides friends and associates with pleasure and satisfaction and maintains it. This is the second benefit that can be obtained by wealth.
3. "Furthermore, a disciple of the noble ones... wards off calamities arising from fire, flood, rulers, thieves, or spiteful heirs and one keeps oneself safe. This is the third benefit that can be obtained by wealth.
Offering land after purchasing it for the Buddha
4. "Furthermore, a disciple of the noble ones... performs the five offerings to relatives, guests, those who have passed away, rulers, and devas ("shining ones," light beings, angels). This is the fourth benefit that can be obtained by wealth.

Giving upholds the world
5. "Furthermore, a disciple of the noble ones... institutes offerings toward the supreme aim, or a heavenly [rebirth], resulting in happiness, leading to a heavenly rebirth, given to Brahmins and shramans (wandering ascetics) who abstain from intoxication and heedlessness, who endure all things with patience and humility, taming themselves, restraining themselves, bringing themselves to nirvana [salvation, emancipation, final liberation]. This is the fifth benefit that can be obtained by wealth.
"If it happens that a disciple of the noble ones, having obtained these five benefits through wealth, sees one's wealth exhausted, the thought may occur, 'Although my wealth is exhausted, I have obtained the five benefits that can be obtained by wealth,' and one is free of remorse.
Helping oneself can be helping others. Live.
"If it happens that a disciple of the noble ones, having obtained these five benefits through wealth, sees one's wealth increase, the thought may occur, 'I have obtained the five benefits that can be obtained through wealth, and my wealth has increased,' and one is free of remorse. One is free of remorse in either eventuality."
'My wealth I enjoyed,
My dependents supported
And protected from calamities.
I have given with a supreme aim
And performed the five offerings.
I have been charitable to virtuous and
Restrained pursuers of the supreme-life.
For any aim a wise householder might desire
Wealth, that aim have I attained.
I have done what leads not to future suffering.'
When this is a person's recollection,
One established in the Dharma of the noble ones,
One is praised here and now and rejoices hereafter.
WARNING: Obscenity (F-bomb) and base aspiration for billionaire-status by Travie McCoy featuring Bruno Mars

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