Friday, November 22, 2013

Remembering JFK all day (KPFK)

Wisdom Quarterly; Pacifica Radio, Los Angeles (
Idealistic Americans look on about to become witnesses to a government killing (TTH). killed John F. Kennedy 50 years ago? Even US Sec'y of State and former presidential candidate John Kerry knows better than to believe the "official story." What's the real story? According to researcher and longtime political insider Roger Stone (, it was Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson who coordinated the CIA, Dallas police, and other agents (including the primary shooter) to carry out the most famous televised assassination in history. This murder was meant for all to see. And as a result, the US went into Buddhist Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos to drop more munitions than were used in all of WW II. Not only does Stone paint a compelling picture citing mounds of evidence, he does not exclude anyone from the plan. Attorney Mark Lane explains the CIA's involvement, their rationale, the complicity, and their subsequent cover up. Listen Friday, November 22, 2013 at KPFK Audio Archives:

Nov. 22, 3:00 pm
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Nov. 22, 2:00 pm
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Nov. 22, 1:00 pm
Nov. 22, 12:00 pm
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Nov. 22, 11:30 am
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Nov. 22 11:03 am
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Nov. 22, 10:00 am
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Nov. 22, 9:30 am

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Nov. 22, 9:00 am
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