Sunday, February 23, 2014

Protests rage in Venezuela

Mr. Lopez's wife is calling for the release of her husband at marches attended by thousands.
Venezuela country profile (BBC)
Anti-government protesters in Venezuela have erected barricades in the capital, Caracas. They placed burning rubbish and furniture on main roads in an attempt to bar access to the city.
Opposition leader Henrique Capriles had earlier asked his supporters not to follow a call for a "national blockade" circulated on social media.
Nat'l hero led independence from Spain (AFP)
The blockades are the latest in a series of opposition protests in which 13 people have died. There have been reports of similar blockades in the cities of Maracaibo and Valencia.

Protesters also banged pots and pans in the early hours of the morning to show their opposition to the government of President Nicolas Maduro.

They say they will continue with their wave of protests, which started more than two weeks ago, until Mr. Maduro resigns. More than 130 people have been injured and an opposition leader, Leopoldo Lopez, has been arrested on charges of inciting violence. More
Anti-government protesters erect barricades in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas (AFP).

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