Friday, May 2, 2014

Topless protests to go worldwide (video)

Amber Larson, Ashley Wells, Seven, CC Liu (trans.), Wisdom Quarterly;
FEMEN means death to patriarchy, life to gender equality, and topless "sextremism"
WARNING: Toplessness, drinking, mild nudity, revolution! (CinemaCopainLtd) Produced by Alain Margot 2014 (montage by Loredana Cristelli, music Cristina Yakovleva). Runtime: 95 min.

Vlad the Adolf Reincarnation?
NYON, Switzerland - April 29th, 2014 saw the first screening of the newest documentary on the FEMEN women's movement.

The world premiere of "I am FEMEN" was held at "Visions du Réel," the largest Swiss documentary film festival.
The film, shot by Swiss director Alain Margot, tells the story of the Ukrainian women's movement becoming a worldwide phenomenon.
Devas agree. Topless for attention (femen)
"I am FEMEN" analyzes the organization, reveals its secrets of how it successfully creates protests, slogans, tactics, and strategic "sextremism." to advance liberty and equality and oppose patriarchy and sexism. 

It gives viewers insight into the thoughts and experiences of female activists living in a world of constant provocation.

This is a film about the world of feminism, protest, and revolution.
Look, mom, I'm meditating with my shirt on!
Alain Margot began the documenting process literally from the beginning of the movement. She was able to capture the formation and development of the organization, experience its growing pains -- its losses and the joy of its victories. 
It is a cinematic "masterpiece" that will NOT be showing at the local corporate cineplex. But it will be screened in some daring theaters with a planned release date of May 14, 2014. More

In French, too!
"Poor for being [a] woman?" (FEMEN)
"Je suis FEMEN" (un film documentaire d' Alain Margot): Oxana ["Shachko"] est une femme, une militante, une artiste. Adolescente, sa passion pour la peinture d'icônes la pousse à entrer au couvent, mais c'est au sein du mouvement Femen qu'elle met finalement à contribution son talent. Elle a co-fondé avec Anna, Inna et Sasha le fameux groupe d'opposantes féministes au régime, qui l'amène de son Ukraine natale aux quatre coins de l'Europe. Entre rage de créer et envie de changer le monde, Oxana livre sa personnalité discrète, envoûtante et multicolore, à l'image de ses œuvres passionnées. Montage: Loredana Cristelli, musique: Cristina Yakovleva. Documentaire cinéma durée: 95 minutes.

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