Sunday, May 4, 2014

"What You Give Comes Back to You" (audio)

Wisdom Quarterly; Roy of Hollywood Tuckman (, Alan Watts, May 4, 2014
"Did you learn Zen today? - "Yes. No. I don't know. It doesn't matter."
Early Alan Watts on U.S. TV
Pacifica Free Speech Radio is in fund drive mode. Sunday mornings (8:00 am), along with Thursday nights (12:00 am), are "Zen Master" Alan Watts hours on KPFK 90.7 FM in Los Angeles. Today Watts was interviewed "In the Spirit," and a wonderful talk on ecology was broadcast. Watts was so far ahead of his time that he was decrying plastics half a century ago. What he had to say has endured the test of time with stunning accuracy and foresight. LISTEN

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