Friday, May 16, 2014

World's largest election concludes: results

Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly; Amy Goodman, Juan Gonzalez reporting on the Largest Democracy in the World,, May 16, 2014
The chakravartin's thousand-spoked wheel of Dharma at the center of the Indian flag

"Tibet" lives on in Himalayan Indian
Early results from the largest election in the world show that India’s opposition leader Narendra Modi has won a landslide victory to become the country’s new prime minister. 

Modi is the leader of the BJP, a Hindu nationalist party (unfriendly to minority Muslims, of which there are more than 100 million in India).
I live in India
"This is the result that the corporations in India wanted," says Siddhartha Deb, Indian author and journalist, noting that Modi "is very a pro-development politician, which basically means pro-business." 
Deb adds that Modi served as the chief minister of Gujarat state, where anti-Muslim riots in 2002 left at least 1,000 people dead. After the bloodshed, the U.S. State Department revoked Modi’s visa.

Modi has never apologized for or explained his actions at the time of the riots. Deb’s recent article in The Guardian is "India’s Dynasty-Dominated Politics Has No Space for Dissent" and his nonfiction book is The Beautiful and the Damned: A Portrait of the New India. More 

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