Friday, August 1, 2014

World media offers glimpses of Israel's crimes

Sheldon S., Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; Al Jazeera America (July 29, 2014)
"Only stones remain": civilian Gaza Strip in ruins after Israeli attack
Thumbnail image for In Gaza, a funeral for the two-state solution?
Analysis: Israel’s Prime Minister [and chief CIA-sponsored war criminal] Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed its war is proof Israel can’t accept an independent Palestinian state.
This year there was no EID in Gaza (Palestine, which Israel has invaded and claimed for its state and has now set out to kill 1.8 million inhabitants trapped by Israeli and Israeli-controlled Egyptian borders), but there was aparthEID.
PLO says factions offer 24-hour Gaza truce
Civilian murders in the "Gaza Strip" section of Israel may amount to war crimes, U.N. human rights chief says
At least 100 Palestinians were murdered overnight by Israeli bombardment that targeted and shut down territory’s only power plant.

A senior Palestinian Liberation Organization official said Tuesday [July 29] that all Palestinian factions have offered a 24-hour cease-fire in Gaza, but minutes later Hamas appeared to reject the plan. The possible development came after a night of heavy Israeli shelling that shut down the [world's largest open air, concentration camp]’s only power plant.
Yasser Abed Rabbo, a PLO executive committee member, said that all Palestinian factions had agreed on the offer and that a unified delegation had been sent to Cairo to talk about the next steps.
"The factions, including Hamas and [Islamic] Jihad, are prepared for a 24-hour truce, and Israel will be held the responsible if it doesn't accept the truce as well," he said. "There is a proposal from the U.N. to extend the truce to 72 hours. And we look favorably upon that."

Obama’s insensitive iftar comments irk American Muslims
But Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri denied that the group agreed to the truce, with the Palestinian news agency Maan quoting him as saying that "Yasser Abed Rabbu's statement that Hamas agreed to a cease-fire for 24 hours is not true and has nothing to do with the resistance's stand."

"We will consider a cease-fire when Israel commits to it with international guarantees," Abu Zuhri added. Hamas has said its conditions for a truce include Israel's ending its siege of Gaza and the release of long-serving political prisoners that was agreed to in a 2012 cease-fire but not carried out completely.
Israel has said it will not comment until Hamas officially presents the offer.

Word of the possible cease-fire came after Israel's military continued to pound the Gaza Strip overnight, killing at least 100 people in assaults launched from air, land and sea after midnight, according to Palestinian officials.
Five families were almost entirely wiped out in Khan Younis and Rafah, according to reports by Israeli news website Haaretz. For many Gaza residents, it was the heaviest night of bombing since the military offensive against the territory began three weeks ago.
Gaza's only power plant was shut down overnight because of a large fire caused by Israeli shelling, Palestinian officials said. More

Thumbnail image for Family urges US to lobby Israel over plight of beaten American teen
I'm an American teenager beaten by Israeli police caught on video in Palestine.

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