Friday, August 22, 2014

My dog is depressed (TED video)

Crystal Quintero, Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; Laurel Braitman (
C'mon, Grover, stop trying to tune in, turn on, and drop out. You're not human like me!
Depressed dogs, cats with OCD -- what animal madness means for us humans

Behind those funny animal videos, sometimes, are oddly human-like problems. Laurel Braitman studies non-human animals who exhibit signs of mental health issues -- from compulsive bears to self-destructive rats to monkeys with unlikely friends. Braitman asks what we as humans can learn from watching animals cope with depression, sadness, and other all-too-human problems. This talk was presented at an official TED conference and was so good it was featured by TED editors on its home page. More
Katie Couric exposing the military-industrial complex? No way. They must want this disinformation known and disseminated to create fear and intimidation or she would be in hot water. Invisibility technology exists, but in use?

Joshua Tree, 2014: Yoga/Music experience, Dharma Mittra, Matisyahu (

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