Saturday, August 9, 2014

U.S. Open of Surfing (U.S. "terrorism")

Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly;
Surf Guide (illustration by Luke McGarry; cover design by Dustin Ames/OCWeekly)
Teen Allegedly Makes Threats Before U.S. Open of Surfing Begins; 45 78 Weekend Arrests
See update upping the number of arrests downtown during the U.S. Open of Surfing's opening weekend. 

Saltwater Buddha (Yogis)
Dude, I thought, like, man, surfing's totally a Buddhist sport, real California, you know, the waves, going with the flow, ying-yong, big Happy Buddha bellies, and just like chilling. Man, cops gotta harsh our mellow cause some kid's totally goofin' on 'em. HBPD needs to take a chill pill and not use this as some kinda excuse [pretext] to crack down on some major recreation and good times.

(July 28, 2014) It's unclear if a 16-year-old boy took OC Weekly's "Surf Bros Must Die" cover story literally, but Huntington Beach Police accuse him of making credible threats against the U.S. Open of Surfing via social media before a search of his home produced a handgun and a shotgun.
Lies of the Presstitute (Mainstream) Media
The alleged threats were posted Thursday, the kid was booked into juvie Friday night, the nine-day event opened Saturday morning, and by Sunday night police had made more than 45 78 more arrests, mostly for booze-related offenses. But no riots, so far...
According to Huntington Beach Police, they received word of the threats against the U.S. Open around noon Friday, and the initial information gathered made them seem credible. They aren't saying which social media platform the kid supposedly used, citing the ongoing investigation. More (p. 2)

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