Monday, September 1, 2014

Bhakti Fest 2014 (music/yoga in Joshua Tree)

Crystal Quintero, Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Wisdom Quarterly; BhaktiFest (Facebook)
September 1-7, 2014, Joshua Tree, California (
Bhakti OMWOODS, Earth-Devi
Bhakti means "devotion." This outdoor festival in Southern California's Joshua Tree, a world-famous high desert sanctuary, includes YOGA, kirtan (devotional, call-and-response chanting), dance, music, and more.

It celebrates the "devotional path" to the divine (as opposed to the paths of action/karma or wisdom, which is known as the jnana-marga), which has its roots in yoga, kirtan, and meditation.
It embraces ancient and modern sacred wisdom and traditional and non-traditional spiritual practices.

Bhakti Omwoods -- a vegan who loves hoopdance, meditation, music, and all things creative, spiritual, and fairy-related -- in Paradise. Originally from Finland living in the mystical, hidden desert dimension under the U.S. -- in Paradise (
Gypsies like travel (
The festival is a vehicle for the rapid evolution of human consciousness through a heart-centered revolution. Bhakti Fest builds an eclectic community of people drawn to follow the path of the heart -- cultivating a devotional, prayerful, loving, healthful, respectful approach to humanity as a family. 

All of the artists, presenters, and vendors embody, practice, and share the spirit of bhakti through a variety of ways, including:
  • Yoga Classes
  • Continuous Kirtan Music
  • Meditations and Prayer
  • Teachings and Workshops
  • Fire Ceremonies (Pujas)
  • Hanuman Chalisas
  • Eco-Friendly, Holistic market place
  • Vegetarian, Vegan, and Raw Vegan Cuisine
  • Wellness Sanctuary: massage, bodywork, energy work, intuitive readings, and other health enhancing modalities.
The fest encourages the spirit of service and offers a work exchange Seva program and donates monies to a variety of non-profit organizations that provide housing, food, education, medical, and environmental beautification programs around the world.

What People Say...
"Truly honored to have been part of such a magical weekend. Endless gratitude from my heart to yours."
- Luna Kristin Ray

  "This was a glorious weekend, very intimate and overwhelming BHAV!!!"
- Ishwari Lynn Keller

  "Thank you to the staff and volunteers, for giving us this wonderful and amazing space to share our hearts. I started crying on so many occasions - the love is so openly available and I was bathing in it. As a newcomer musician having our first-ever set this weekend, I felt so much part of the Bhakti Fest family. My sincere gratitude."
- Pascale LaPoint

  "Absolutely fabulous!!! Thanks to all who contributed, organizers, crew, vendors..wallahs and bands... teachers...and all who danced and sang us into the bhav. Many fests, many retreats thru the years, none quite like this."
- Mark Rubin

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