Sunday, September 21, 2014

Go Veg: Meat-eating leads to Climate Change

Crystal Quintero, CC Liu, Dhr. Seven, Sheldon S., Wisdom Quarterly;
Veggie foods taste better and promote youth, life, health, and strength (Tofu kabobs).
"Go Meatless Mondays...for Climate Week! Less Meat, Less Heat" (MM)
Good planets are hard to find; let's save this one!
Climate Week NYC Embraces Meatless Monday
Killing animals is killing the planet?
The United Nations Climate Summit will meet in New York on September 23 to discuss actionable plans to fight climate change, during Climate Week NYC.
Why is Meatless Monday involved?
["The personal is political"?] Practicing meatless Monday saves the environment. 

Going veg is going green to save the planet
When we reduce our meat intake, we minimize pollution, pharmaceutical use in animals, and water usage because the production of beef requires 1,850 gallons of water, countless antibiotics and chemicals and poisons to cultivate animal feed, while the production of vegetables requires 39 gallons of water.

Climate Week NYC begins this weekend
When we reduce our meat consumption, we reduce our carbon footprint -- and make a more significant change by reducing methane output into the environment (most of which comes from the feeding of bad food to cows who are ungulates feeding on fresh greens not grains, cement, other cows and corpses, and artificial feeds) -- because beef production creates 30kg of greenhouse gas per kg of food. Carrots, potatoes, and rice require .42, .45, and 1.3kg respectively.
Are those worms? Meat is toxic and tainted.
Meatless Monday makes a splash at Climate Week NYC events.  An all-vegetarian lunch will be served at The Climate Group’s kick-off event at the Morgan Library. Marcus Samuelsson, chef-owner of Red Rooster Harlem and Meatless Monday supporter, has curated the menu for the prestigious Equator Prize private reception at Lincoln Center for United Nations dignitaries held prior to the Equator Prize Awards.
Join Meatless Monday at The People’s Climate March in Manhattan starting at 11:30 am, Sunday, September 21 in Central Park. Get details on how to meet our staff at the event and signage to download and print on Meatless Monday’s Climate Week page.

If not attending the march, please share Meatless Monday Climate Week graphics via social media. Participate in the discussion on Twitter with the hashtags #MFMclimatepledge, #CWNYC, and #MeatlessMonday.  Take a stand by pledging to go meatless on Monday with us at Meatless Monday.
According to United Nations, “[UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon] has asked [summit] leaders to bring bold announcements and actions to the summit that will reduce emissions, strengthen climate resilience, and mobilize political will for a meaningful legal agreement in 2015.”
Human flesh, cow, pig, or chicken?
The prevailing thought leading up to this summit is “the cost of inaction is greater than the cost of action.” And it’s a thought that has considerable traction. After all, it’s not just global leaders and politicians that are rallying around the cause. Case in point -- The People’s Climate March organizers are expecting more than a 100,000 participants.
The People’s Climate Website reads, “With our future on the line and the whole world watching, we’ll take a stand to bend the course of history. We’ll take to the streets to demand the world we know is within our reach: a world with an economy that works for people and the planet; a world safe from the ravages of climate change; a world with good jobs, clean air and water, and healthy communities.”
We're cows and calves, not beef and veal
Meat Free Monday founder [and former Beatle] Sir Paul McCartney says, “Going meat free one day a week is a simple way to contribute to a more sustainable future. 
So McCartney and UK leader Greg Barker have also launched a Meat Free Pledge for Climate Week to help show world leaders that going meatless on Mondays helps fight climate change.
The Meatless Monday team has been working diligently with our UK partners to promote the pledge and we hope you’ll lend your name to the cause and pledge your support for going meatless on Mondays specifically to support stopping climate change. What events will Meatless Monday take part in? 
  • An all-vegetarian (Meatless Monday) lunch—served at the Climate Group’s kick-off event at the Morgan Library.
  • The People’s Climate March—starting at 11:30 am, Sunday,  September 21 Central Park West.
  • Equator Prize Ceremony: Building the Movement for Inclusive Climate and Development Solutions—September 22.
Take a stand with us and be heard, join Climate Week NYC. Here’s a link to the full CALENDAR of events. More

Democracy Now! Covers the People’s Climate March
Special LIVE Broadcast: Democracy Now! is broadcasting live (Sunday 10:30 am-1:30 pm ET) from the People’s Climate March in New York City, part of a global mobilization in advance of a U.N. special session on climate change. More

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