Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tibet: "Wheel of Time" (full film)

Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Wisdom Quarterly; Werner Herzog; Oṁ Mani Padme Hūṁ 
"Wheel of Time," the complete documentary by Werner Herzog
Prince's presumed path to Magadha/"India"
Prince Siddhartha, later known as Shakyamuni or "the Sage of the Shakyas"/Scythians (see below) set off from the foothills of the Himalayas, south-west of Tibet, north-west of "India."
(Such foothills are nowhere near the site British and other historians have said was the capital Kapilavastu or the birthplace garden park Lumbini; they are the foothills of the part of the Himalayan range known as the Hindu Kush in and around modern Bamiyan and Mes Aynak, Afghanistan. See

The prince traveled east, crossed the river bounding his kingdom, which was the "Land of the Shakyas" (ancient Indo-Scythia, Sakastan) with its capital in Kabil or Kapil'avastu, and sought a spiritual path as a wandering ascetic in modern northern India, in the territory of Magadha and neighboring countries.
He wandered widely, studying with meditation teachers, attaining great meditative abilities, then set off on his own still in search of enlightenment and real liberation. Five others confident in his determination followed along.

His goal was to alleviate the suffering of living beings -- earthling- and space-dwelling devas, human beings, less kind unseen beings, animals, and others steeped in craving, aversion, and ignorance.
When he at last reached the goal of glimpsing nirvana (authentic moksha) and awakening to truth, he set rolling the Dharma in the suburb of the ancient holy Indian city of Varanasi (Benares). More
The Indo-Scythians
Scythian coin from the Buddha's ancestral land: Obv: king on horseback goad in hand, bow behind, Buddhist Triratna symbol. Rev: standing king being crowned by goddess Tyche devi.

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