Tuesday, October 28, 2014

BigAg's GMO deception, Ebola, Canada, terror

(Democracy Now!, Oct. 28, 2014)

Attack on Parliament pretext for "Anti-Terror" Laws, ignore ties to mental illness, drugs
As Indonesia’s new president takes office, cabinet includes officials tied to earlier atrocities
“GMO Deception” What You Need to Know about Corporations and Gov't Putting Us at Risk
Monsanto and BigAg fight GMO LABELING
(DemocracyNow.org) Aaron Mate,

Can Internet search yield non-GMO seeds?
Colorado and Oregon could soon become the first states in the nation to pass ballot initiatives mandating the labeling of food products containing genetically modified organisms. Earlier this year, Vermont became the first state to approve GMO labeling through the legislative process, but the decision is now being challenged in the courts.
Ebola? I can also spray Monsanto pesticides
Numerous items are already sold in grocery stores containing genetically modified corn and soy.
But companies are currently not required to inform consumers.

Pope: God's not a magician
Advocates of Prop 105 in Colorado and Measure 92 in Oregon say GMO foods can be harmful to human health due to pesticide residues and the altered crop genetics. Opponents say the effort to label genetically modified food is overly cumbersome and will spread misinformation. Leading corporations opposing the labeling measures include Monsanto, Kraft Foods, PepsiCo Inc., Kellogg Co., and Coca-Cola.

Consumers are GMO guinea pigs: VT
By some accounts, opponents of labeling have contributed roughly $20 million for campaigning against the proposed laws, nearly triple the money raised by supporters of the initiatives. In Oregon, the fight for GMO labeling has turned into the most expensive ballot measure campaign in the state’s history. DN! speaks to Tufts University Professor Sheldon Krimsky, editor of The GMO Deception: What You Need to Know about the Food, Corporations, and Government Agencies Putting Our Families and Our Environment at Risk. 

Ebola Czar? US needs a Surgeon General
(Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan) The United States now has an "Ebola Czar." But what about a surgeon general? The gun lobby has successfully shot down his nomination -- at least so far.
"I would like to be caught masturbating because no one knows I masturbate. I already have an excuse at the ready. When asked, 'What are you doing?!!' I will calmly reply, 'I'm reducing my risk of prostate cancer!' Then I'll get an apology and carry on." Like that
- future Famous Person

(Screen Junkies HONEST TRAILERS) "X-Men: Days of Future Past"

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