Monday, October 20, 2014

China's lost [Mexican] civilization (Bowers)

Xochitl, CC Liu, Crystal Quintero, Dhr. Seven, and Amber Larson, Wisdom Quarterly; Bianca Ramirez ( FM); the Bowers Museum (, Orange County

How very Alaskan
Rare ancient Chinese bronzes go on display today at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana (Orange County, California).
The exhibition is called "China's Lost Civilization: The Mystery of Sanxingdui."
It features 3,000-year-old elephant tusks, ancient jades, monumental bronzes, and a life-sized statue of a nobleman.

Construction workers in southwest China accidentally discovered the artifacts in 1986.

Suzanne Cahill, the exhibit's curator, says this is one of the greatest archaeological finds ever to be unearthed.

[Are these items reminiscent of Mesoamerican Aztec figures and North American Alaskan totems?

Edward P. Vining knew of the fifth century arrival of Chinese and Afghan Buddhist missionaries, long before the arrival of the European conquerer and mercenary Colombus.

Rick Fields, in How the Swan Came to the Lake: A Narrative History of Buddhism in America, thoroughly documents the arrival of Chinese Buddhists in Mexico and California long before Christianity or Catholicism made it to the continent.]

Ancient Sichuan: Treasures from a Lost Civilization (mysterious China at

How very Aztec
"They found evidence of a society that was already very sophisticated, and technologically…very refined, that nobody knew had ever existed before," Cahill said.

"Unfortunately, they didn't find any writing.

"So we do not have any words from the peoples themselves to explain their religion, or their government, or their economy."

The exhibit runs through March 15 at the Bowers Museum. Then it will move to Houston's Museum of Natural Sciences. More
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Pit II, Sanxingdui: Summer 1986, archaeologists remove one of the largest bronze sculptures.

Spiral energy vortex portal over Norway (IN).
1. Aztec/Toltec/Olmec Mesoamerican-like animal mask.
2.  Sun Disk with Birds, or Spiral Vortex/Portal opening in space (like one did over Norway), with its round shape and golden color, has also been interpreted as evidence of a Sun cult at Jinsha, which scholars speculate also existed at Sanxingdui or the possible implication that people from Sanxingdui later inhabited the Jinsha site.
3. Bronze Head with Gold Mask, circa 1250-1100 BCE, excavated at Sanxingdui.
4. Pit at Jinsha.
5. Bronze Head with Gold Mask, circa 1250-1100 BCE, excavated at Sanxingdui.
6. AVIAN (GARUDA-SUPARNA/PHOENIX/PARROT or Inuit Alaskan: Large Bronze Bird Head, c. 1250-1100 BCE, bronze, excavated at Sanxingdui, where birds appear frequently in the art found at both sites, leading scholars to speculate without definitive proof that they may be totems, fetishes, or clan insignia, because the bird may represent, as it does later in Chinese culture, the Sun, transcendence, and the shaman, but this object represents the largest of the bird images found at Sanxingdui as its stylized features have been exaggerated in size, like the features seen in the heads and masks, where the forceful carving of these large features gives the head remarkable power.
7. Mask with Protruding Eyes, c. 1250-1100 BCE, bronze, excavated at Sanxingdui.
8. Bronze figure with Animal Headdress [or the extraterrestrial antennae of Item 10, the great standing figure.
9. Kneeling Human Figure [so self-evidently an influence on early Mexican/Mesoamerican art of the Aztecs and similar peoples], c. 1100-900 BCE, stone, excavated at Jinsha, a small figure of a kneeling man with a double braid hanging down his back resembling similar figures found at Sanxingdui, with hands bound behind its back suggesting that it represents a condemned prisoner or, perhaps, a sacrificial victim.
10. Human Figure [or Hungry Ghost/Preta, misshapen and hollow headed], c. 1100-900 BCE, stone, which exemplifies the curious nature of the several small human figures excavated at Jinsha, with missing head probably mounted where the hole is today, and smaller holes suggesting that the figure was attached to something else.
11. Standing Figure (replica), original c. 1250-1100 BCE, bronze, excavated at Sanxingdui, standing 8.5 feet high, monumental figure, with prominent eyes, huge ears, sharp nose, and thin mouth, does not look Chinese or even human, more extraterrestrial, and no bronze before it, or for centuries after it, compares to it in size making it the most precious artifact found at Sanxingdui, because it may hold the key to unlocking the mystery of this ancient civilization: It wears a crown and seems to hold an offering, perhaps an elephant tusk, in its large, now empty, hands, or it may have been a shaman, ancestor, ruler, priest/priestess, or protective, all-knowing god/goddess (alien overlord).
12. Pit 2, Sanxingdui, where one of the largest bronzes was excavated.
13. Spiral energy portal over Norway (IN).
Sun cults or Sky Portals?
(MS) The great energetic opening over Norway we were all lied to about by our governments.

The Buddha (Aganna Sutra), the Vedas, and Michael "Hidden Archeology" Cremo are right: this planet and humanoid life on it is much, MUCH older than scientists dare say in public.

Since reopening in 1991, the Bowers hsa hosted more than 80 exhibitions such as Treasures from the Royal Tombs of Ur, Secret World of the Forbidden City, The World of the Etruscans, Tibet: Treasures from the Roof of the World, Queen of Sheba: Legend and Reality, Mummies: Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt, Terra Cotta Warriors: Guardians of China's First Emperor, Art of the Samurai: Selections from the Tokyo National Museum, Lucy's Legacy: The Hidden Treasures of Ethiopia, and Gods and Gifts: Treasures from the Vatican Museum.

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