Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fukushima Anniversary (photos)

S-va-ha; CC Liu, Amber Larson, Wisdom Quarterly; S-va-ha Contemporary Buddhist Art
Ceremony for 2nd anniversary of 3.11 at Fukushima
Ceremony of 3.11 at Fukushima by Contemporary Buddhist Art unit S-va-ha
Ceremony of 3.11 at Fukushima by Contemporary Buddhist Art unit S-va-ha
Ceremony of 3.11 at Fukushima by Contemporary Buddhist Art unit S-va-ha

Ceremony for Fukushima anniversary
Booth of S-va-ha at TAGBOAT ART FES.2013
Fukushima: Buddhist Art unit S-va-ha
Ceremony for Second Anniversary of 3.11 at Fukushima, May 2013. The contemporary Buddhist art unit, "S-va-ha," visited the Beach in Iwaki City, Fukushima. Passing some deserted houses hit by the tsunami, with some repaired and being lived in again, we reached the beach.
As we stepped onto the sand, we felt some hidden pressure. We made a sand mound, erected a sand and wood stupa (reliquary mound), and laid out a floral tribute to help the departed cross over successfully.
Ceremony for Mt.Fuji
Kawakami Shugyo, Hirabayashi Yukihisa, artists and Buddhist priests, chanted a sutra. The female performer Tetta  invoked Buddhist bodhisattvas ("saints," those aspiring for supreme enlightenment who have vowed to help all others reach the same liberation) and performed Butoh for the departed. We tried to fulfill the possibility that contemporary art can connect to ancient Buddhism and composed Butoh and Buddhist chants to be of service to the departed. We made an art film to open entitled "Ceremony for 2nd Anniversary of 3.11" (video below).

VIDEO: Fukushima Ceremony
(Svaha2012) 3.11から2年があまりが経過した2013年の3月 仏教•現代・美術ユニット、ソ-ワ-カは福島県いわき市のとある海岸に足を運んだ 津波で廃屋になった家々 再び生活を取り戻している家々 その合間を通り過ぎ、砂浜に足を踏み入れた時、何か、目に見えない重圧の様なものを感じた わたしたちは供養の為の土壇を作り、献花をし、卒塔婆を建立した 犠牲者への供養として僧侶であり美術家でもある川上秀行と平林幸壽は読経をあげ、女性パフォーマーのTETTAは菩薩に扮し舞踏を献じた 供養の舞踏と読経を映像として発表する事 これは現代美術と仏教の直接的な接合の可能性を探る試みでもある それが、この ”Ceremony for 2nd anniversary of 3.11”

Ceremony for calming the earth at Ōta-ku, Tokyo, Japan by S-va-ha

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