Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Live from Ferguson, Missouri (video)

DemocracyNow.org; Ashley Wells, Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly
"H-ll yes, the time is NOW! H-ll no, we will not go! Justice here, justice now!"

Ferguson demonstrations for justice, protesting police racism (democracynow)
What would Malcolm X do? We know what MLK Jr. said. We see what police do. Coverage of police murder of Mike Brown and resulting protests in Ferguson, 1 3 4

  • As Ferguson awaits the grand jury’s decision in the Michael Brown shooting in Missouri, we speak to attorney Bryan Stevenson, author of the new book, "Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption." With growing focus on the failures of the criminal justice system, Stevenson has been fighting those injustices case by case. He is founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, a group based in Alabama that... Nov 20, 2014
  • 2014-1118_seg1_ferguson-3
    Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has declared a state of emergency in advance of the grand jury’s pending decision in the Michael Brown shooting case. On Monday, Nixon issued an executive order to activate the state’s National Guard in response to what he called "the possibility of expanded unrest." Nixon cited the protests in Ferguson and the St. Louis area since Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was killed by police officer Darren... Nov 18, 2014
  • 0814_seg-01_ferguson
    There are conflicting reports out of Ferguson, Missouri, over the fate of embattled police chief Thomas Jackson. Unnamed government officials told CNN that Jackson is expected to step down as part of efforts to reform the police department following an officer’s killing of unarmed black teen Michael Brown in August. But Chief Jackson and the city’s mayor say the reports are false. This comes as a grand jury weighs whether the... Oct 29, 2014 
  • Jesse_williams_ferguson
    When Democracy Now! was in St. Louis to report on Ferguson October, we spoke with Grey’s Anatomy actor and activist Jesse Williams, who joined thousands in calling for police accountability and justice for Michael Brown. Oct 13, 2014 | Web Exclusive
  • S1-ferguson3
    Since the killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown two months ago, protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, have defied a militarized crackdown and taken to the streets to call for the arrest of police officer Darren Wilson, who shot him. Their efforts have made Ferguson the ground zero for the movement against police brutality and racial bias. Democracy Now! was there this weekend when thousands of people traveled to St. Louis to take part in... Oct 13, 2014
  • S2-ferguson-october
    Demonstrations over the police killing of an unarmed teenager in St. Louis, Missouri, continued for a second night ahead of a national weekend of action in nearby Ferguson over the police killing of Michael Brown two months ago. Organizers have invited the Brown family to take part. Dr. Cornel West and actor Harry Belafonte are also among those expected to attend the events, which include a mass march and a planned act of civil disobedience.... Oct 10, 2014
  • 0827_seg-03_ferguson-protests-v2
    In the wake of the police shooting of unarmed Michael Brown, activists in Ferguson, Missouri, are calling on people to join them this weekend — from October 10 to 13 — for a national protest against police racial bias and violence against black and Latino communities. Oct 07, 2014 | Web Exclusive
  • Fergusonprotests
    Protests continue in Ferguson, Missouri, calling for the arrest of Darren Wilson, the officer who killed the unarmed African-American teenager Michael Brown. On Friday, officers dismantled an encampment where activists had been living in the weeks since Brown’s death. Some accused police of excessive force. More protests took place over the weekend, including one outside the Ferguson Police Department Sunday night. Two officers were... Sep 29, 2014 
  • Fergusonmilitarizationpolice
    President Obama has ordered a White House-led review of federal programs that fund and distribute military equipment to state and local police. Obama cited concern at how such equipment was used during the recent unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, following the police killing of Michael Brown. One of the BearCat armored trucks used during protests there was paid for with $360,000 in Homeland Security grants. According to Pentagon data published by... Aug. 29, 2014
  • Fergusonprotestpoliceharassment
    As the police killing of Michael Brown has focused global attention on the racial divide in the counties in and surrounding St. Louis, Missouri, a new report may explain why residents’ mistrust of the police runs so deep. It shows how a large part of the revenue for these counties comes from fines paid by African-American residents who are disproportionately targeted for traffic stops and other low-level offenses. In Ferguson, the fines and...

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