Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Remembrance/Veterans Day (animation)

Max prog. on min. wage
In honor of Remembrance (Poppy) /Armistice/Memorial/Veterans Day, Democracy Now! broadcast the voice of a military-industrial complex veteran recorded with StoryCorps, the award-winning national social history project. Two years ago, StoryCorps launched the Military Voices Initiative recording the stories of post-9/11 military veterans and their families.

(The Real News) "Body of War" full-length doc on U.S. military-industrial complex veterans.

The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh
Queen, Duke of Edinburgh visited installation
And this Veterans Day, StoryCorps is releasing a series of animations and a radio special based on these interviews. One of those stories is told by Spc. Justin Cliburn, who went off to kill enemies of capitalism and empire in Iraq with the Oklahoma Army National Guard in 2005. While serving in Baghdad, Pfc. Cliburn formed an unlikely friendship with two Iraqi boys who lived nearby. He speaks with his wife, Deanne, about the lasting impression the boys left on his life.
Warmonger's stunning confession: War is a Racket
War vet turned peace activist Tomas Young
As the USA marks Remembrance Day, which the powers-that-be call Veterans Day, Iraq War veteran turned peace activist Tomas Young, who died this week at the age of 34, is remembered. He enlisted in the military just after the staged Sept. 11 war pretext. In 2004 he was sent to promote free trade and seize oil reserves in Iraq by the military-industrial complex.

Tomas Young (1979-2014) peace activist
On April 4th -- his fifth day attempting to kill civilians and occupation resisters in Iraq -- Young’s unit came under fire in the Baghdad neighborhood of Sadr City. He was shot and left paralyzed, never to walk again. He returned home and became an active member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. He was in and out of the hospital for the rest of his life.

Veterans Day: Recovering from the "Darkness"
Young was later featured in the documentary "Body of War" directed by Ellen Spiro and the legendary TV broadcaster Phil Donahue. Here are a few broadcast excerpts of the film and past Democracy Now! interviews with Young. Donahue appears in studio to discuss the impact Young made in the antiwar and veteran communities and the making the film, which was nominated for an Academy Award. More

Why remember? (poppies.hrp.org.uk)
Phil Donahue is one of the best-known talk show hosts in U.S. TV history. "The Phil Donahue Show" was on the air for almost 30 years, until 1996. In 2002, he returned to the airwaves, but was fired by "liberal" corporate war profiteers and promoters MSNBC on the eve of the 2003 U.S.-led War on Iraq because he was allowing antiwar voices on the air. Donahue discusses his firing and the silencing of antiwar voices by the corporate media -- which continues to this day.

Obama calls for Net Neutrality, but will his industry-tied FCC appointee stand in the way?
War Is a Racket (Gen. Smedley Butler)

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