Friday, December 26, 2014

2004 Tsunami: 10 year anniversary (video)

Wisdom Quarterly; (; Disasters Channel; The World (PRI); Euronews

Run or die...NOW! 2004 tsunami as wave crashes into southern Thailand (wiki).

Originating in Indonesia due to a major power draw on an advanced technology chair or gate experiment, it results in a massive 9.1 quake, the third largest ever recorded, gives rise to tremendous tsunami, Stewart Swerdlow ( explains.

Southern island in Thailand, Koh Phi Phi, prior to being overwhelmed by tsunami.
Capturing an impossible shot: terror in a tree, clinging on for dear life, 2004 Tsunami.
Quarter million people died
(Euronews, 12-25-14) A decade since the Indian Ocean tsunami: Today marks the tenth anniversary of the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami that resulted in the deaths of over 230,000 people.
Indian Ocean tsunami anniversary: Memorial events held
(BBC, Dec. 26, 2014)…Memorial services are being held in Indonesia and other nations for the victims of the [2004] Indian Ocean tsunami on the 10th anniversary of the disaster. In Indonesia's Aceh province -- the worst… 

(BBC, Dec. 26, 2014)…travelling around Australia, but the tsunami will be much in her thoughts. "It's a shame I can't be with my parents on the 10th anniversary, particularly since if it wasn't for my dad recognizing the…

Indian media: Indian Ocean tsunami anniversary
(BBC, Dec. 26, 2014)…feel India was not prepared for a natural disaster of such scale in 2004, but agree that precautionary measures have now improved. "As it marks the 10th anniversary of the devastating tsunami…

(BBC, Dec. 25, 2014)… Ko Phi Phi, Thailand. How the wave spread: On December 26, 2004, after the quake struck, the resulting tsunami radiated across the Indian Ocean, from Indonesia to Sri Lanka and beyond.…

Survivors will never forget day tsunami hit

What a tsunami can do in a moment (ebonifacio)
A lot of people around the world today are looking at a video circulating on Facebook comprised of before and after shots from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Ten years ago, a 9.1 magnitude earthquake sent massive waves plowing through a dozen countries, including hard-hit Indonesia as well as Thailand, India, and Sri Lanka. 

The water tossed around boats and houses -- anything in its path really -- as if they were toys. Nearly a quarter million people died. More than a million more were made homeless. It's one of the worst [un]natural disasters ever
But a lot has gotten better in the past 10 years. See video link below (
One of the people who survived the tsunami was Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne, who lives in Sri Lanka. Immediately after the waves hit, he raced down to the shoreline to help. He says he'll never be able to forget that day.
"The houses were completely destroyed -- the ones that were closest to the beach," he says. "There were many bodies lying around. People were traumatized. They had gathered in temples, churches, and public places. We were also traumatized by what we saw."

But you could quickly tell that while the destruction was total, it was highly localized. Things were vastly different a short drive away. More + VIDEO

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